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Adam Elsdon

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Posts posted by Adam Elsdon

  1. Clive,


    I hope the Tank Museum take as good care of it as you did. It will be a real shame if it gets neglected and ends up back in the condition you got it.




    There are alot of people who now know of all variants of the FV1600 Humber Combat Truck family, thanks to Clive, and especially the Hornet.

    Bovvy had better watch out if they think they can forget about it and let it slip into neglect!

    Well done Clive, it could of remained rusting in anonymity, and alot of people would of been none of the wiser to it ever existing or the role it played in the cold war. Tremendous stuff!

  2. Oh dear :(........looks like MV rallies could end up looking like a Tescos car park, full of Escorts, Minis, Cortinas, Hillman Hunters and Huskys, Minors, Chevettes, Cavaliers with the odd Sherpa van:rofl:


    Soon to be no future in those Daimler Dingo and CMP restorations Richard !!:-D

  3. Found the manufacturers spec sheet, sounds pretty good stuff-




    BS Colour chart here so you know what colour code if you order, all the good stuff: Olive Drab, Nato Green, Deep Bronze Green, RAF Blue/Grey and a whole heap of others:-




    The RAL chart for German paint colours:-


  4. Was scouring e-bay and came across this paint, a single pack brush/roller/spray paint, sounds interesting and pretty hard wearing considering what it was developed for originally, it would be suitable for most Military vehicles by the sounds of it, it has a semi sheen finish and you can get it made up in any BS or RAL colour sheet colour, so thats just about any MV colour used!

    I am after re-painting my vehicle so may consider this as an option. Anybody used this on their own vehicles?


    By the way i have no link with this company, just seemed a useful product for types like us! e-bay link at the bottom of the page;














    An EPA compliant, single pack, modified alkyd primer/finish.


    > Single coat anticorrosive coating, specially developed for dry cargo transport containers, ISO tank containers, anti-vandal accommodation units, waste containers and other industrial steel fabrications.

    > High level of anticorrosive protection in aggressive operating environments.

    > Fast Drying.

    > Indefinitely recoatable for easy repair.

    > Good colour stability provided by high quality pigments.

    > Sheen finish helps disguise dents and welds.

    EPA compliant as a finish or primer/finish (PG6/23, below 420gm/lt).


  5. A few years ago I went to MVS with a friend to pick up a load of spares, included were 3 stillages of new Suzuki SJ parts, engines gearboxes axles diffs etc. (very cheap!) Apparently a couple had been in service and these were the spares for them. Any one ever seen one in service?


    Never even heard of that one, maybe they were bought as a trial/test machine and then binned? or even a local purchase by a unit for an event or something and then passed out through the supply chain.

  6. :idea:

    Clive, have you any clear pictures of an early N.I. Pig as described, i am in two minds what to do with my own pig at the moment for next season, and to tidy it up externally, so an early N.I. treatment could fit the bill.

  7. I remember seeing Marina pickups in USAF markings in olive drab, at Greenham Common airbase. An ex-USAF Sherpa dropside truck has been to Beltring several times. Seem to recollect seeing a Lada 4x4 with RAF reg number at an air station somewhere. :confused:


    The Lada wasnt on an Air Weapons Range was it!

  8. In the world of classic cars, there is plenty of snob value attached to vehicles, and if yours is different or doesnt fit the established norm, they pretty much seem to get shunned.


    Now here is one for the MV scene, my mate came on a run with me in the Pig to the pub on our monthly pub run meet, and mentioned that it would be good to have something to turn up in, but the wife would probably do her nut if he bought anything else (He has a few motorbikes!)


    Anyway a few weeks later im stood in his yard next to an LDV van, looks a bit like the old Sherpa, and just like the ones that we had on bases in the RAF.


    It turns out he bought it at auction, and it was an ex army LDV minibus! so in actual fact he does have a Military Vehicle!!! he looked kind of incredulous when i mentioned that he is now part of the gang!!!!!!


    But classic or future classic MV? you decide!

  9. I get the feeling from the replies that older people are for leaving things alone,where as younger people dont see to much of a problem with it.Maybe its just a time thing.

    Who of us would object to the digging up of a roman battle field.not many i think,more like if done by profesionals it would be activly encouraged in the name of

    a better understanding.I think once time has gone by and no one is left alive that had any connection to the event it will be seen as ok.I personally would like to see things left alone.The people that rob these sites for profit, i would like to introduce them to water skiing behind my boat blindfold.


    Whoa there fella, who you calling old!! im still on the right side of 40!


    Still dont get the battlefield collecting thing, somebody want to explain the interest?

  10. I do get the interest, however as an ex servicemen, i look on a battlefield at a war grave, for instance i had a relative in WW1 who was in it from the very start and survived all the way through, one of the original "Old Contemptables". Alot of the Rifle Brigade he was with didnt make it, therefore alot of his friends are still on the field with their personal effects, and that applies for any soldier of any nationality in that conflict.

    I am interested in the history, but not the collecting aspect of it.

    Had i been involved in a conflict that resulted in the deaths and unrecovered losses of my comarades, im not too sure i would be over the moon with battlefield collectors!


    Im not trying to put those people down, who are interested in it, particularly in a way that records the history to the benefit of everyone else. I just find the personal collectors motives a bit strange.


    Opposing views on this welcome, particularly explaining the significance of the collector and why they do it!

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