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  1. No offence taken, so no worries there, anecdotal stories are always full of vaguearies, and i am sure many dubious add ons to enhance the wonder of them, but luckily having australian relatives did help in verifying the fact that they did (and probably still do in some places) use them as grills, so that story at least i can verify, but like i said personally i would not want my bangers roasting over the fire being infused by the toxins given off by hot galv!! as a firefighter i am all too aware of toxins given off by hot things as i deal with that almost daily, i had one of the maltese cross grills once on a late 2a, much better than the fragile plastic one, which is fine until you dare to touch the clips that hold it on, plastic grills .....just goes to show progress isnt always forward!! cheers woody
  2. Ahhhhh the tales i COULD tell:wow:! hehehehehe but i am sworn to secrecy !! but easily bribed!!??
  3. I am sure Andy Mitchell will answer this, but in the mean time, i thank you for your comments on the (my) commentary, during the russian /afgan punch up, there is no script to follow, so it is all off the top of my head, and i try to let the crowd know what the re-enactors are doing and why, sometimes it's not clear what with distance and army tactics etc, frenchganistan came from the fact that they were supposed to be in afganistan but all the street signs were in french, just a bit of fun to lighten the mood, commentating is more than talking about stuff, knowledge helps a lot, but the biggest fear is being boring!!! in that each commentator is on his own! hehehe cheers Woody,
  4. Hi there, yes you are right and quite wrong all at the same time, being the commentator you mention sounding like telling porkies, i feel i should answer you, yes zinc is deadly when heated, indeed anything galvanised should never be heated but this didn't stop them using them as grill plates, they were outdoors and after repeated use, the zinc etc will have off gassed the poisons so they were just grills, not something i would like to try, not porkies as you assume, just a hole in your knowledge of landrover history and it's anecdotal stories. as for laps round the arena, there are pros and cons, more laps means less chat with drivers, in which case the crowds could have missed your "missus" talking to me about her converted machine, which i personally think would have been a missed opportunity to encourage others to do the same, and show her determination and courage.... sometimes the seemingly most simple things that go on in the arena are more complex than you can imagine . plus you cant please everybody, some like to talk some like to drive, some just don't show up at all, and we are left with an empty arena, which pleases no one!
  5. Hello everyone, i am woody, otherwise known by my alter ego's name, colonelchimp, not new to the military scene, but new to this forum! those that know me hello guys... those that don't........hello to you too. I am Main arena commentator at the war and peace show, and have owned various green machines from jeeps to trucks, motorbikes etc, also been involved in military sales direct, retail and wholesale, not much to tell really, it would all be a bit boring for you i'm afraid! so thats me in a nutshell!:nut:
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