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Posts posted by PeterMacD

  1. I disagree - his life and reason for coming to Britain are a huge part of the story of how he won the VC. His injuries will probably prohibit him doing any more ops - at least on the front line - so I think that the story stops at exactly the right time.

  2. the army badges had dark green chevrons on a lighter olive green background - mine were vynil and burned when ironed! IIRC the RM had black chevrons on olive green in cloth. The chevrons were squarer when looked at compared to the birds-wing army types

  3. having used quite a few vehicles (wheeled and tracked) on ops the first thing I noticed was that most of the cam and insignia were lost due to a film of dust that went up to about chest height.


    Some Land Rovers were completely light brown except for the roof, clear glass left by windscreen wipers and hand marks. AFVs were usually light brown with various dark oil streaks from the top of the hull down.


    On all the only things that stood out (barely) were the huge white painted UN/IFOR/SFOR/KFOR insignia, and the black friendly forces chevrons on the front wings (AFVs).


    So if you are going for the battlefront look remember that jet washes are only available in the rear!

  4. a good book but rather fragmented at times. Richard Holmes was lucky to have been invited just after the CIMIC House/Beharry VC episode and got some excellent first hand accounts that were still fresh in the memory.

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