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Posts posted by DaveP

  1. Sorry Paul, yes I,ve still got the old girl here and she goes out for a run now and then.

    I blame my age, and it aint just numbers I,m rubbish at remembering, and if you want some keys lost I,m your man:red::red:

    Hows that landrover Paul


  2. Hi,A friend as come across a Humber Pig in Texas and it still has FELIX(EOD) stickers on it.The vehicle no is YF O864 which is clearly incorrect.Does any body know that if we get the chasis number will we able to trace the vehicles history somehow.Many thanks,Tony.


    Small world, I used to own that pig, YFO864 was its civilian reg, cant for the life of me remember or find the military reg.

    Always regretted selling it off, it was a nice pig and there was history to it . Just after I sold it to Bob Grundy who exported it to the USA I was shown pics of that same vehicle in service with a bomb disposal 'wheelbarrow' loading/unloading in N I, so it was a Felix vehicle.

    Ian Young, editor of Military Machines International, was a previous owner and I,m sure he did a lot of the work to it, drop him an email, I,m sure he,s got a good record of it and a photo would be nice, I hope she s being looked after.

    If you look under the L h front wing on the front of the chassis you should find a data plate with the military reg etc.

    Would love to know how you get on.

    I do have another pig 30BK41 now so all is not lost:red:


  3. Ever tried taking a 434 fuel tank out?? I had a lot of trouble years back with my fuel pump and had it on and off a few times. Eventually had to remove the tank to clean the crud out of it and you wouldnt believe how awkward a job it was until you,ve done one.I,d rather struggle a bit inside before going down that route again!


  4. Thanks for the info Stef, need to give the old girl a bit of a tune up and couldnt seem to find a reference to a modern spark plug. The motor actually starts very well but does have an odd little misfire when warm, hope a new plug and some fine adjustments will sort it out.



  5. That's a very good question. I haven't seen one in the flesh, but it's supposed to be bolted to the front of the tank and accessible through a hole in the bulkhead. The pump is identical, but has a different outlet pipe arrangement, which may perhaps explain the different size fitting that was supplied with my pump?





    Thats correct, I,ve had mine out a few times.Basically all due to muck in the tank.

    Now, taking the fuel tank out, hours of fun and laughter:readbook::banghead::banghead:


  6. Without actually going and looking in the shed I think I,ve got quite a lot of them.They were in great abundance in the old 432 ces stillages from Withams along with loads of other stuff I,ll never ever need!!:embarrassed: I presume they,re for the distribution panel, let me know if you need some and I,ll go and have a look in the morning


  7. Hi jez, whereabouts are you. I,ve got a spare pump on mounting plate and a spare drive shaft you can borrow to copy if you,re desperate.

    Cant help with the valve chest but I wouldnt think it would be difficult to replace it with a civvy control block.Dont forget the shock abs lock out control on the end of it as well.


  8. The Cent and the Conq disappeared last year sometime:shocked::shocked:.We go on our hols down there 2 or 3 times a year and were down there 8 weeks ago and now sitting on plynths outside the gate are a Leopard 1 and a Chieftain.Think the Leopard is the one that used to reside inside the camp,dont know where the chieftain came from but there was one on a plynth down the road in Pembroke Dock which has disappeared, it may be the same one.

    Dont know where the cent and conq went but i,m sure someone will answer that :cool2::cool2:


  9. Hi Paul,

    the old girl looks exactly the same as when I collected it from you but an awful lot of work has gone on underneath the exterior:cool2: Its retaining all its fluids in the right places for a reasonable amount of time,all the volts and amps are going where they should and doing the right things when they get there,the exhaust has only one point of exit, in the correct place at the back and the brakes are making as good an effort as poss to slow the old girl down:shocked::shocked:

    Its her first outing on Thursday and I,m wondering which of these items will raise its head again,oh what fun:-D

    Come to think of it I havent even washed it.

    I think Clive would approve of the order of play, no flags and bunting and cosmetics a bit down the line yet.

    Some pics would be appreciated and I,ll sort something out to send to you:):)


  10. Our local MVT club are holding an event at our local TA centre in aid of 'Help For Heroes'.My pig is going along after many months of 'fettling' and I am in the process of putting tgether a display board.However, I didnt realise that I have no good in service pics of pigs,quite a few of pigs at shows,but not any development or in service ones.Has anyone got a few they could email me or post that I could print off.

    Any help would be much appreciated:kiss::kiss::kiss:

    If anyone is at a loose end next Saturday in the Hereford area please feel free to come along, you,ll find the info on our website http://wyevalleymvt.t35.com/

    Many thanks


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