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Posts posted by Lindsay

  1. Firstly, many thanks to you all for your help and suggestions!!


    I must apologise as I haven't been on the site for a while, but will now investigate your ideas and report back


    Again, apologies for late reply 🙁

  2. Morning all


    Just wanted to pick your brains about insuring an un road registered corgi to display and ride around the arena at shows. Spoken to who we insure our military vehicles with - Carole Nash, they don't offer anything suitable except when the bike is static or in transite.


    Thank you!

  3. Colchester Military Tournament, previously known as Garrison Day, is to be held again on Abbey Field, South Circular Road, Colchester CO2 7NZ

    A great day out for all the family with something for everyone, Modern & vintage vehicles & weapons display, WW1 replica tank, Red Devils Freefall Parachute Display Team. http://WWW.colchestermilitarytournament.co.uk Contact: For MV entries: Lindsay Smith lindsay46@btopenworld.com Tel 01787460236

  4. Not sure whether its just me , but I hadn't realised that when I took out a full page advert with Milweb that Classic Military Vehicle Mag pull the advert and include it in their classified section. This is fine but......my advert was a full page one and they only put the first part of the lineage and if your price is not on the front page of the ad it get put as POA .....which I think can put people off? Also, in my case, they got the description wrong which makes me look a complete plonker!


    Am I the only person who didn't know this? 

  5. My 54 MkI Ferret is sitting on blocks in my garage. I start it up every month or so and have never had an issue.

    Two days ago I charged up the batteries and attempted to start it.

    After several short attempts it fired up but when I released the starter switch the engine died immediately. It did this every time. It would start up and even rev up quite nicely as long as I kept the starter switch on.

    I thought there must be something electrical and I was thinking I would install the nos ignition assembly sooner than later.

    I asked a mechanic that I have had work on it before and his thoughts were that the starter motor or more specifically the the gear on the starter that engages the flywheel is not retracting and is in fact remaining engaged with the flywheel. The result being the engine dies immediately. He suggested that I give the starter a whack or two and maybe the gear will disengage.

    So what are your thoughts.....should I give it a whack and try again or is there another approach?







    You should have bought a reliable ferret......😉😉

  6. Thank you all for your comments. We have decided, rightly or wrongly, to replace the distributor with one from R & R. It's new old stock......and we choose to do this as we had had so many comments as well about resistors that could also break down inside and other things so watch this space and I will report back as to whether its worked 😳

  7. Thanks for all your responses.


    Condenser has been replaced and the points were ok. Guess it looks like a new coil...... Jeep Parts have one, any suggestions of any where else worth trying. Have spoken to Nick Jeffereys and he suggests putting to back to a 12volt distributor, supplying a kit which provides everything needed for £310, which will make the cost of parts in future much cheaper and more plentyfull. Is there anyone who could strip and rebuild the existing one?

    The other alternative is to go for electronic ignition which seems to have mixed reports........suggestions on a postcard please.....😳😳

  8. Got a problem with our Hotchkiss. Once started and warmed up, and having run for a few miles,it starts missing badly.

    We have tested the ht leads, checked the plugs and points. Any suggestions of what to try next other than replacing the distributor and or coil?


  9. Glad you were all ok, big wake up call for all of us as to how easily these things happen.... I always think tho that you can easily mend metal but not so easy to mend people!


    I too would like to say how much David and I enjoyed the show. It's our second year there, we didn't make last year. And how it's grown. Really interesting exhibits and different vehicles. The 5 scammells towing each other around the arena with a Diamond T was fantastic.


    A big thank you to Malcolm and all the team. The show is so well organised and has a great family atmosphere. Try it next year if you haven't been!

  10. Hi Rosie,,


    So sorry to hear of your loss. I lost both my parents, dad at 51, from cancer, mum at 73 suddenly. I don't know what's worse, but at least for you grandma it was quite quick , but I guess it's the not being able to say goodbye that's the hardest. I do feel for you! X

  11. Just returned from seeing this. Unfortunately, we were lucky enough to see the stage version first. This film reminded me of "Babe" for quite a while........have enjoyed other Spielberg films but this one didn't do it for me apart from towards the end in the "Somme" bit. I shall add that I have had horses most of my life so im not hard faced!


    But go and see what you make of it,perhaps I'm picky...........

  12. David and I would also like to voice our thanks for another great weekend. A big thankyou to Clive, Ed, all the outriders both new and old and of course to their significant others.


    Although the weather in parts was awful, it didn't stop our enjoyment. Well done and please can we do it again sometime?


    Also, as a suggestion, I'm sure many of us would only be to happy to make monitory contributions to help funding.....


    David and Lindsay

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