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Hans Ivar

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Posts posted by Hans Ivar

  1. Good trailers Hans,


    I had a No2 10cwt but moved it on a couple of years ago. It was useful in that as it is aprox 15cms longer than the No.1 version, I could sleep in it!


    Note you have a slightly differnet convoy plate light to those I've fitted to my trailers.


    Like the T-shirt too!



    i gess it exist at least to different plates. No2 trailer have different plates than no1. I think the plate are mutch stronger than no1 trailer.


    Thank you for the comment about t-shirt. :D

    assosiation its not exsist, but we are a small exlusive club. :-):banana:

    ..... but its look cool...


    regards hans Ivar

  2. Very nice, thanks for sharing.


    Just wondering after seeing that you have two of these trailers, can you legally tow them one behind the other both in Norway and over here in the UK or is that type of Airborne Trailer Road Train discouraged?




    Hello Scott


    one of these trailer its own by a fiend.( the left one) i have also a No1 and Bantam (transportation corp. ecuipment LTD).

    Its not legal to tow one behind the other trailer. in Norway.

    Hans ivar

  3. Hello Friends.

    Send you pictures of my Transportation Equipment Company. T-1

    i paint it in OD color, and will use markings from pacific USarmy 1945.

    Some ides?


    ID-historie from Chuck Lutz:

    Your trailer went through the rebuild program in Japan the 229th Base ran

    out of Oppama, Japan. After WWII, many vehicles were gathered up across the

    Pacific and sent to this unit which employed Japanese citizens to rebuild

    and refurbish equipment which was then used in the Korean War.

    Much of what they rebuilt was also assigned to NATO forces and more than a few of

    these ended up in Norway. The rebuild tag and the data plate use the SAME

    rivets and the data plate may or may not be an original (from the factory) but

    both were put on during the rebuild.


    Transportation Equipment Company made 221 units.



    regards Hans Ivar














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