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Posts posted by yogi

  1. I have a map of the ranges, If I can get my hands on a 12X12 army tent for the weekend I will set up a command area were everyone can have a look at the route/s we will be taking. This tent will also have a CB radio set up, I know some of you guys use them so it will be a bit cheaper than mobils. The command tent will be the nerve center for the visit plus a place for a cuppa as there will be a kettle, so bring your cups. The only things that will be on the hard standing next to the camp site will be the command tent and porter loos. If possible we would like to keep the hard standing free of all vehicle for a few idears we are working on. :whistle: :whistle: :dunno:

    Now we have the green light for the site we can concentrate on other things. Have not heard anything about the rambers as yet so we might not see them next year. Still waiting to hear from Chris about guns on vehicles

    Tony :tup:

  2. Hi everyone,


    Received this email from Bob at West Down on Friday.


    Hi Tony


    Now I have approval from the Comdt, I have to go through the bookings procedure and check all other parties are agreeable.


    Please send a route map asap, so I can add to the documents I have to send out for the next level of approval…






    This means we have the camp site with the Comdt's approval. Unfortunately there have been casualties; due to SPTA concerns we will not be allowed to use any road crossings. We will be using the center range and so will not be allowed to cross to the East or West. This means the Bailey bridges are out of reach for us, along with the DTA and Beachs Barn. The reasons for not allowing us to use the crossings are; we do not have trained personnel to facilitate each crossing as the Military do, also as it will be a Bank Holiday there will be an increase in traffic and they are concerned for our and public safety :modpwr:


    Having said all this, things are not as bleak as they appear: We still have the whole of the center range which comprises of 30,000 - 40,000 acres. This includes the Impact Zone, Greenlands Camp, West Down Camp, woods and not forgetting the Bustard Inn.


    We drove the revised route yesterday and it is one hell of a drive - it took us about 4 1/2 hours with only a few stops on the way. Obviously we will be stopping a lot more so you can all have photo opportunities and a good look around. Greenlands Camp will give you some good pictures as it is a built-up area with the added attraction of an Iraqi compound. West Down will be another stopping off point, this will allow us to visit the PARA and Glider Pilot monuments for wreath laying, if you wish?


    This should still be one hell of a weekend, and don't forget your cammo nets, tents and camouflage clothing. Keep up your skittles practise as beer and food are once again being provided by the Bustard Inn :tup:


    All the best and hope to see you all there.



    HMVF Plain Invasion 2008


  3. I can remember the Buccs doing bombing runs on the center ranges (Larkhill). They used to come out the bombbard area at tree top level. Hell made use with camaras s**t a bit. Never maneged to get a picture cos you never heard them coming till they were right on top of you. Not like the yanks doing low level bombing at 35.000 FT. Sorry to all American folk only jokeing...................................25,000FT :rofl: :rofl:

  4. She is one of the few air frames I wanted to see fly again. To think that she and her sisters could carry un-presedented fire power to all for corners of this spinning bit of rock used to frighten the hell out of me as a boy. :shake: :shake: :shake:


    Just as you thought it was safe to go out side, Its back XH558 the last of the V force bombers :bow: :bow: :bow:

  5. Things were being bounced around about the Red Arrows, But even Mr Browns not that mad to slap a ban on them dislaying at the 2012 games. I think the only thing you can beleave in the TABS is the Date. :whistle: :whistle:

  6. Lets hope the next planes to fly will be a Lightening and a Bucc. They have them both at Bruntinthorp as well as the Vulcan. Imagine a flight of true Classic Jets, the Vulcan now on final test flights 90% of them are now air-worthy.



    Sea vixon.




    Jet Provest

    and soon to be joined by the Jaguar, Harrier and Tornado GRs.

    OH the sites and sounds of the old style air shows would all come flooding back to you. Is it just me or has air shows lost that, Getting up in the early hours, traveling miles to see planes whizzing around at break neck speeds, getting soaked to the skin and food poisoning from a dodgy burger vans? :dunno: :dunno:

  7. Vulcan XH558 took her first test flight today 18th OCT 07. Hopefully we will be seeing the old bird at shows once more. Congrats to all the teams that have put in many man hours to restore this wounderful peice of British history back were she belongs. :tup: :tup: :tup: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

  8. Hi Dave

    Saw Roy today and told him you will be back and he is over the moon. He is as excited about us coming back as I am that you all want to come back. At first I was not to sure whether you would all like what we had planned for you.

    2008 should be better as we are working on some surprises. You can all have a guess but the cat wont be let out of the bag till the weekend of the visit. Sorry Jack but you are not allowed to guess cos, well you no why :nono:.

    Good to have you and Dougie back on board mate it going to be fun.



  9. Very true Dave, If they have a spare place they will hang something off it. I have some pics of the 432 SIGS vehicles, you can just about makeout the vehicle under the equipment. Are you and Dougie coming to next years Plain Invasion, plans are well a foot and looking good - same place as last year? Roy keeps asking whether you are coming back.


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