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Posts posted by brh

  1. Best laid plans of mice and men eh!!!!


    Owing to an unexpected hefty (nearly four figures) car repair bill my ambition to buy a Ferret has to be put on hold whilst I 'regroup' finances.


    Lifes a b**** sometimes >:(


    Ho hum

  2. Showing my ignorance again here or, at least, lack of understanding of the laws.


    Does the covering up of a deac weapon apply to, say 30mm mg, fixed to a CVR (e.g. Ferret Mk2/3) turret or does it have to be removed whilst on public roads?


    This whole issue appears to be a minefield - albeit maybe a necessary one unfortunately.

  3. As a newbie I missed out on original posts. May be interested in purchase so:-


    Where is the 'shop' - is it online?


    What is for sale?


    What do they look like?


    What is the logo?


    How much to buy?



  4. I am now 98% decided that I will buy a Ferret (especially after the rave reviews I have had to previous posts).


    Is owning a Ferret an investment i.e. will they hold their price in years to come - will I get back a good % of what I pay assuming condition the same as when I buy? (this could be a persuasion factor for SWMBO)


    Buying a Ferret is one thing but what about the annual upkeep/maintenance costs of the vehicle.


    Assuming a reasonable roadworthy purchase and assuming no major catastrophie what would a good guestimate of annual costs be?


    I already see that insurance costs will be around £100 for a basic policy. Would I need to seriously consider a recovery option as well?


    Thanks again



  5. :wave:


    Hi folks


    Just thought I would say a few things about me by way of introduction. Some of you have already come across me in answering my recent posts.


    I live in Essex in a village near Harwich.


    New to the concept of owning a MV - considering a MK1 Ferret ('cos it will fit in my garage and I like the look of them).


    No regular military experience but 7 years in TA (1974 to 1981) - 5 Royal Anglian Regiment.


    26 years in Essex Police Special Constabulary - still doing it.


    Learning to play the trumpet and cornet and play (badly) in the Harwich Royal British Legion Brass Band and a local orchestra.


    Up until recently I used to fly light aeroplanes as a hobby (PPL) but unfortunately the licence has lapsed - on my to do list to get it revalidated but if I buy a Ferret I don't know that I will be able to afford both (Oh for that lottery win) - ho hum.


    I have always enjoyed vintage vehicles and aeroplanes - they have character unlike many modern designs.


    This is a brilliant and sociable site - long may it reign.





  6. £90 - that's good value. It costs that for a 15 minute trip in a Tiger Moth at Duxford.


    It will be a marvelous trip - Dakota is a lovely looking aeroplane and has always been one of my favourite WWII aircraft.



    Brian the envious

  7. Thanks for the encouraging words and advice guys - I'm sure I would soon get used to it.


    Lee - thanks for your offer. I will certainly try to get along to the show on the Sunday and would appreciate a close look over the Ferret - would have loved to have a drive but I am at the tail end of recovering from a foot operation and I am not allowed to drive for another few weeks yet - ho hum :-(.


    What are the start/finish times and how will I find you?







  8. Novice type question again (I must give up reading posts - just confusing me more).


    What is a 'run flat' and why is it hard to change a wheel with one :?






    PS Tongue in cheek - Is there a glossary on the site somewhere where novices like me can look up the jargon and 'militarise' that is spoken :whistle:

  9. As those of who read my first post - 'Fuel for Ferret' - will know that I am just embarking on (or at least considering), as part of my mid-life crisis (tail end part I think), looking for a Ferret to buy.


    Having now established the fuel question to my satisfaction, having read various articles on the complexity of learning to drive a Ferret and, also, only ever been used to driving a manual gearbox car just how easy/hard is it to get to grips with?


    Quite scary (from a novices point of view) reading some of the posts/articles e.g. wind up - tracking - hub failures etc!!!!


    The more I read the more complex owning a Ferret seems.




    Brian :help:


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