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Everything posted by colourblindhedgehog

  1. Hey all, Just to keep everyone informed and to invite anyone who would like to bring their vehicles to the Seahaven Armed Forces Day 2012. Being held on Saturday 30th June 2012 in Seaford, East Sussex. Opening times 11am - 4pm with a Parade March at around 2pm, And with some funfair rides, mini tanks that also fit adults , food and music it should be a lovely day by the seaside with the opportunity of raising money for related charities. Thanks the Forces, Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes are the chosen charities and the more vehicles we have on display the longer people will stay and contribute to the causes for the day. Hope to see you there, and please contact me if you are interested in displaying or possibly holding a stall. Spread the word!!!
  2. On Saturday 25th June 2011, the Seahaven Branch of The Royal Society of St George is presenting the Seahaven Armed Forces Day to be held in the Martello Fields in Seaford. The Armed Forces Day is an opportunity for communities to say thank you to the veterans who have served their country in the past as well to show support and gratitude to those currently serving in our Armed Forces. Any profits made by the end of the day will be given to suitable service charities, the Royal British Legion, whose 90th anniversary is this year, Help for Heroes and the East Sussex charity, Thank the Forces. The event starts at 11am with the Parade at Noon and will continue well into the afternoon, with an official finish time of 3pm but performances expected to extend further than this. To find us use postcode BN25 1JH, and the fields can be found on The Esplanade, Seaford, East Sussex, right next door to Martello Tower no.74. There are lots of Musical performances, Funfair a Beer Tent and also a Spitfire Flyby booked for the afternoon (Weather permitting) oh and dont forget a beautiful Seaside backdrop. Anyone wishing to visit on the day is encouraged to come along and enjoy the event; and in particular, those that own Military Vehicles or Scale/Static models would be more than welcome as this would really set the atmosphere for such an important occasion. Pitches are available to anyone who wishes to display and sell their wares, Pitches £10 each allowing for a 5m x 5m plot; and if you are 'displaying only' your vehicles or even scale models this will more than likely be considered as a free pitch. If you wish to attend please make arrangements through Bob Peedle of the Royal Society of St George on 01323 89985 or email 514928@talktalk.net or forcesonparade@seahavenfm.com , or alternatively contact Ben King on 07834 083451. Many thanks to everyone that has read this far, and we look forward to seeing you on the day.:-) Ben
  3. Hi All, My name is Ben King and I am a keen Military enthusiast. If im honest I am here to put Seaford in East Sussex on the Events map and would like to invite everyone to the Armed Forces Day being held in Seaford on Saturday 25th June 2011. I saw the importance of the event last year when it was held for the second time in Seaford, and our aim is to make this a regular event that everyone comes to know well, and allows us to provide charitable donations to military related causes. Please see the Events page for details and anyone in the area during that weekend is welcome to come along and enjoy the day or even bring their vehicles . I hope to spend more time on the forum and learn about what goes on here. Many Thanks Ben
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