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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. All in all, a fantastic weekend with no rain and glorious sunshine.

    The 1 thing that was present all weekend was laughter!, we all had a great time.

    A big thank you to pete, tony and phil for organising such a brilliant weekend.

    A big thank you to chef ives for the food as well, sooo nice waking up to a cooked breakfast!, he even made me a big bowl of custard at 11pm!

    The farmer who let us use his land was brilliant, a big thank you mr farmer.

    Sadly pete was taken to hospital over the weekend for an operation, hope your bum gets better pete, and don't worry, whats happens on tour, stays on tour!!:nut::-D


    Roll on next year.

    I can only echo what rambo has posted many thanks everyone :clap::clap::clap:

  2. Chris, you still got your Tiger1 kicking around mate? Fancy a battle with my little PanterG. Not as big as your, but like they say mate, it's not the size that counts. I'm trying to get Simon to bring his RC HUEY for the day, first one to nose it gets a lolly....


    Planing to bring it but not sure that there's enough room

  3. in reply to last three posters am i wasting my time adding these tips or am i talking sense. Little question for two of posters how does adding snatch blocks make vehicle winch more if you have hit limit on holding power. reason i ask is most ex mod vehicles have winch thats matched to its wieght or are we talking deadmen ground anchors etc


    Keep posting cosrec some of us are learning something

  4. fuel tank done just got to get health back up now after scare yesterday so it might be sausage and mash yet:blush:but hopefully when meds kick in will bounce back just got to take it easy for a while

    Take it easy mate, don't fancy Tony's cooking :(:sweat:

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