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Posts posted by NuttyNick

  1. Hick??? Who on earth is Hick??? :evil: :evil:


    You been watching too many re-runs of last Sundays Top Gear and the Alabama gas station sequence Clive ??? :evil: :evil: :evil:





    Guess you had been at the bottle, hick, hick :beer:


    Would love to do the convoy but am unsure what i'm doing around then. Maybe in the middle of moving house. Should know a bit more in a month or so's time. Sorry I can't give you a definate answer now.


    Cheers, Nick AKA Hick

  2. Nick,


    I heard about the tent collapses. Any photos? Or of Paul falling over his chair after one too many... :beer: ?


    - Mike



    News travels fast! No photos of the tent collapse in the middle of the night. I was safely tucked up in the dodge out of the weather for the night! It was a pretty big pyramidal tent (see the background of the photos) as well so I think it came down with a bit of a thump!


    I think (can't remember too much about the night - nothing to do with drinking, I have a bad memory!) I was on the ground trying to stand up when he fell over! Needless to say it was a bit slippery underfoot!





    A few more pics attached. The 6x6 Dodge was very slow pulling the 57mm. Whenever we hit even a slight gradient we dropped down to 10-15mph! We had some great queues behind us at times!



    [attachment deleted by admin]

  3. Very nice Nick - how big is that bang?





    My ear is still ringing today and we let the bang (or should I say bangs!) go on Saturday afternoon!! We let the 37mm go bang a few times as well with slightly smaller charges but we weren't brave enough to put the big ones in it! They were very effective!


    Fortunately we were on a large piece of private land so we could get away with the noise!

  4. Hey Nick I hope Paul's white paint does not was off :-D



    Paul didn't bother with the white wash in the end - no point really as it was really mild!


    Our little mishap of the day was also on the way to the meeting point. Paul was leading and I was following in the dodge with Richard in his jimmy behind. Just before we got to the Grasshopper my Dodge managed to pick up a stone and send it through the passenger windscreen of Richard's Jimmy! Looked like he'd been shot at!!!!


    We did the quiz on the way to Hildenborough. A nice little run around the (sometimes very) narrow lanes. It was great and the food as per usual fantastic......... and we managed to get home before the heavens opened!


    A photo at the Grasshopper before the battery ran out and before Tootallmike turned up with the heavy gear!


    [attachment deleted by admin]

  5. Mike,

    I'll pop over and see you. I know exactly who your are (plus the bright orange paintwork on the inside of the WLF cab gives it away!) We camp next to you at Bethune.

    I'm meeting Paul McDonald in his dodge and Richard in his Jimmy on the outskirts of East Grinstead and then we're heading on up to Westerham.

    I think the weather is going to be wet now so we'll all have to have screens up and roofs on! :cry: Always worth it for the good food at the finish though.

    See you Sunday.


  6. Hi Marty,


    As and when I find more info on my trailer I'll let you know. Do you know any of the Jeepfabriken guys in Norway? A couple of my mates go out to Norway each year to play in the snow with their jeeps - looks great fun!


    With regard to the photo I can see that it is pulled by a tractor.



    ....and please note it is a green one!!

  7. :dunno: he's just trying to make money like everyone else who sells things or offers services, after all the site is free for most people and does cost him money to run (pot and kettle :? :whistle:)



    Where else can we place a free ad to sell off those odds and ends we no longer want or want to look for those bits we need and where hundreds, if not thousands, of people look at?


    Other than the one attempted scam (which I could also have had from other forms of advertisments) I've found the website very easy and successful. This hobby would be a great deal "poorer" without Milweb.

  8. I had the same sort of scam a while ago. I advertised something on Milweb for £150. After a few e-mails simillar to those that Enigma had, I recieved a cheque from an Italian bank but the postal stamp was from Egypt! And it was for £2000 and he wanted me to cash it and send him the difference!


    I spoke to Nigel at Milweb and he confirmed that it was a scam and to ignore it. I ended up just stringing the guy along to waste his time. He even came up with the excuse that his agent had sent the cheque and that he had now sacked him for the mistake and the agent pleaded with him for his job back as he had to support his family!!!!! It made quite amusing reading!


    It's a shame that some people fall for these.


    BTW, I've never had any problems with putting a number of adverts on Milweb. I didn't know they would charge you £80.


  9. I've possibly managed to track down a bit more information on the kitchen. I was watching an old Beltring video someone lent me and it had a field kitchen very simillar to mine. It was narrated as being a 1936 French Marion(I think thats how you spell it) field kitchen.


    It all looked pretty much the same although I couldn't see the hitch. Upon closer inspection the hitch on mine could be a later add-on.


    So.........are there any experts on French field kitchens out there?!! :help:



  10. Mark,

    You seemed to have trouble remembering my name and I guess it wasn't all drink related as I seem to remember that even on Saturday morning you couldn't remember it (however, I could be wrong and you could have been "under the influence"!).


    We (as in a group of us including Steve, Jackie & boys,) spent that rather "chilly" evening sat in a tent huddled round a stove trying to get warm.


    I think you had your M38 there.


    Of course, I could be completely wrong and got you confused with another Mark with an M38!


    Clive - the name doesn't mean anything to me. I've spoken to one mate and he seems interested. He's got a 6x6 dodge so we'll either take his (so we can get more people along) or take both. I'll let you know.

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