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Posts posted by Karoshi

  1. Could someone just confirm for me if this was to do with the war effort :?



    Well sure it was, we had DOUBLE SUMMER TIME then, just to make it even more confusing. A cunning plan indeed, when Jerry thought we were all having breakfast,........ really we were on our way to bomb the sh*t out him.

  2. I'd go with Jack on this one. Obviously these "guys" are resourceful,........ they've found and had fitted a scrap M37 gun ring from a closed cab model, to give them that "edge" against air attack whilst hauling Explosives.


    Clearly from a "special ops" lot with a 33**** hood number, and non standard bumper markings. .............But are they "ours" or "theirs". Friend or Foe ?

  3. I agree Matt, the Pounds BARCS are the Larc -LX's 60 tonners, whilst the ebay jobby is probably the much smaller Larc-V, with the single V8. But a LARC all the same.


    But I didn't have a handy picture of one of them.

  4. Well they aint SO big,




    If fact these are they:




    at 97 tons the each. Well you do get one engine per wheel, with three speed Torquematic gearboxes, so you're not inconvenienced to change gear ! Mind you puncture repairs might be difficult, as the 36.00 x 41 tyres weigh just over 3000 lbs the EACH.


    But Hey, What price fun ?

  5. Mark, Jack was just being polite there.


    I've not been around preferring to spend a little time in hospital with a fractured skull. Usual stuff,... came home to find the kids had screwed the computer and its taken me like until today to get it together !!


    I'm well on the mend now and look forward to coming back. Just need a little more time to fine tweak the pages on this siite that wont open for me!!


    To everybody, Thanks for your concern.



  6. On this day in 1944 a five man patrol lead by S. Sgt Warner W. Holzinger waded across the River Our near the village of Stoltemberg a few miles northeast of Vianden, Luxemburg. (accounts vary).

    In doing so Second Platoon, Troop B 85th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 5th Armored Division, U.S. First Army became the first armed enemy soldiers since 1814 to set foot on German soil in wartime.


    Only Hitler’s West Wall and a place that was to become known as Der Huertegwald stood between them and their goal.


    In just a few short days The Death Factory would open for business.


    width=400 height=292http://Karoshi.mypicgallery.com/ForThoseThatDoubt/dissmounted-patrols_large.jpg[/img]



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