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Posts posted by Bluebell

  1. Richard even with a nine volt ballast coil, the current through the contact set would not be enough to damage the insulator. The impedance (resistance) across the coil would be too high. The only time I have seen this happen, is when both wires (supply feed, and low tension to the points) were both hooked to the same side of the coil, creating a dead short, when the points are closed. I have never heard of this happening internally in a coil, but all things are possible.

  2. Which explains the appointment indicator userID. I saw the thread title and saw exactly where that was going.

    I do have to explain it to a lot of non serving M.V. people. Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

  3. Hi everyone. My name is Lynn Eades. ( Yep, i'm a guy) I'm just a bit closer to sixty than fifty, I have 3 adult children, and a very tolerant wife (Chris(tine)). The disease started with Dodges, developed into Jeeps, and finally morphed to Carriers. ( I did buy a C8AX CMP the day we were married)

    We live on a hill looking out to sea, just north of Tauranga. Bay of Plenty. North island of New Zealand.

    I have unfinished; Our house, a WC55 Dodge (gun motor carriage M6) A Willys Jeep. (A British Universal carrier) Armoured O.P.No.1, MarkIII(W) The bare bones of two real Bren Carriers(N.Z. built) Carrier Bren No2 Mark I, L.P. Various hull parts of a Canadian universal, and lastly the very rotten remains of a N.Z. built Aust. pattern LP2A Carrier.

    In other areas, I go hunting occasionally, keep a few Deer, as pets, along with the wild pig, the dog, and the cats.

    Im a kept man, (Chris working full time) while I build the house, and suppliment the income a little, servicing mobility scooters.

    I'm an ex RNZEME "A" grade Mechanic, having spent many years in fleet maintenance (trucks, logging equipment, forklifts etc, and for many years self employed.

  4. I would make sure you have toe board clearance. that is, make sure the pedal is returning fully, and that the push rod to the master cylinder has clearance. If you have any line pressure at all, due to the piston being held, it will activate the switch.

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