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Posts posted by rambo1969

  1. Make friends with your local car paint supplier, I use brooks in harold hill, I use satin synthectic with excellent results.

    I painted my engine with ordinary car paint with brilliant results.

  2. Yes but I think you are forgetting about overheads, Staff, advertising, Venue Hire, they soon all eat into profits, then you have to pay vat on the turnover & income tax on the profits..:shocked:


    Agreed lee, however, ther are 1000's of shops in every high street up and down the country who have to pay standing costs everyday.

  3. A very emotive subject that I was talking about today with my dad.


    I don't mind paying to enter a mv show if the entry is just to cover costs and is not a profit making show.


    If, for example a show was started were there was an entry fee charged and ALL profit went to a military charity, I would be quite happy to pay.


    The main thing I disagree with is militaria fairs charging an entry fee to spend your money!

    Imagine tesco charging you to shop there :shocked:

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