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FV601 (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by FV601 (R.I.P.)

  1. Chris

    As far as I know he has been a very good boy and only driven them round once or twice (only your Spartan I think) .........but then again I cannot be 100% sure as not down there full time myself until Friday. But judging the smile on his face when he drove it around yesterday I have a feeling its on the list of purchases :whistle:


    There should be plenty of room for what your bringing so no worries there. Is Andy bringing anything else?



  2. I hope the Striker is on dry ground, I have yet another wheel to change >:( lost a tyre on the way to the low loader pickup point. Considering CVR(T) wheels cannot get punctures, I?ve replaced more wheels than I have done on cars!!!!!



    Sorry Andy, did mean to put your name to the post but finger slipped.


    You should be OK as far as the ground goes mate as it had dried up considerably since earlier in the week.


    What else are you and Chris bringing mate?



  3. I would suggest you get your asses in gear chaps as there are an awful lot of people pegging out already. Monkton's field is almost completely set out as well as the newly opened area (field to the rear) and America's field is getting the same way.


    I can see some awfully dissapointed people if they leave it too late :dunno:


    Paul apparently Greg (He who is in charge of living history) has not received any indication that you wish to set up an N.I. display I would suggest you get in touch with the office ASAP matey. :dunno:


    Chris, your area is already set out and the Spartan and Striker are in position so no worries there mate. :-D


    Proctaman, Same goes for the Irish contingent, will be good to see you guys again. :-D


    Roll on Friday 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

  4. John,


    This year, hope your toolbox stays shut and you get the chance to use the Saladin ;-)



    It's Wayne Page's turn to break down this year Richard as per our unwritten agreement ;-)


    But you never know, we might just get both Sally's in the arena again as we did in 2005 :dunno:

  5. This year I wil NOT bet hanging upside down somewhere in JT's Saladin as there will be no need to... right John :dunno:



    I have absolutely no idea what you mean Old chap :whistle:


    This season I shall be mostly wearing .....................Dust :evil: :evil:


    That or a thong :whistle:

  6. Anybody got any pictures or know of any pictures of the vehicles going past the Queen?

    Can't belive 7000 people watched and nobody had a camera!!



    Barry, we've got plenty of pictures, unfortunately its a little difficult taking specific ones of going past the Queen when you are driving your vehicle. :roll:


    Not sure if any of the 7000 whom attended visit here but if you take a look at the pictures Saracenstump posted you will see a couple of them going past the Queen also in the video my son took from the cab of the Stalwart. Unless anyone has any better ones :dunno:

  7. is it to late to book or can i just turn up in my 80's 109 :computerterror:



    Dave, not 100% sure but assuming Rob has not had the arrangements changed by the Mills themselves it is normally OK to turn up from Friday evening.


    Rob might be able to confirm this but if you do not get an answer before the weekend dont panic as I know he works shifts and awkward hours.


    I would just turn up anyway as the more the merrier :-D and as Rob has said if people do not support the local shows then they dont get put on.

  8. Back the same as Stuart but cut some Zzz's as was entirely bushed.


    Was a great experience all in all and can say I was proud to have taken part in it. There were some points that we all could bitch about but that can only be expected.


    That said the Essex contingent alone must have taken over 2000+ photo's between them and by the sound of it some 2 hours of video, not bad for an estimated time of 4 minutes from entering Horse Guards Parade ground and leaving it.


    The photo's that will be posted will tell the tale better than words but you had to be there to see some 50 odd pieces of armour stretched out in Birdcage Walk waiting to roll onstage.


    As Neil has said we met some new friends as well as caught up with old ones and I think I can say we all walked away with an inward smile knowing that we had taken part in such an event.


    Until the picture call


    Time for more Zzz's I think :yawn2:

  9. What a wet start for the day


    Pictures as promised


    Outside the fort before pulling off









    Standing waiting for the pickup ...........Only an hour late, pickup should have been at 9.00am so at 10.00am Lee phoned the Corporal only to hear him contact the crews by radio. Here follows a short resume as Lee relayed it


    "LIMA 5, LIMA 5, what is your location? "

    " Not sure Corporal"

    "LIMA 5, LIMA 5, thats not good enough, I repeat what is your location and estimated time of arrival?"

    "Not sure Corporal and about 10 minutes"


    True to their word though they turned up 10 mins after the call.




    Finally loaded and nearly ready to roll









    Well thats about it, will be taking pictures a plenty over the period we will be there so stay tuned to this space.


  10. Hmmm.. think those guys with the MP5's maybe scaring us a bit if we did :shake:



    No problem ...............Just have to close down is all, after all armour is good for 7.62 at least :whistle:


    Oh I forgot ................you've only got your runflat inserts in one side :roll: :roll: :angel:

  11. As Lee has said the Fort now has 4 extremely clean looking bits of kit in parade order for HM. (it was a bit of a slog but with the help of a few good people we made it )


    I shall post some pictures tomorrow both before the loading operation and during it so you chaps can see what we've been up to.


    Sad to hear the lads arriving Saturday will miss out on the convoy from CB to WB but I guess thats how the cookie crumbles.


    Kyle we are still unsure as to the rehersals being open to the public but if you PM either Lee or myself with your mobile number we shall give you a call if and when we find out.


    All in all it should be a good "gig" albeit we are still pretty much in the dark about things, but hey thats the British Army for you, strictly on a need to know basis.


    Hey Lee, how about us taking a few charges with us and scaring the pants off Al Fayed when we pass Harrod's :evil: :evil: :whistle:

  12. John helped :schocked: that must have been verbal from a chair with a cup of tea in his hand. :whistle:



    Note to self, make sure Lee's Fox is well oiled up when Ian goes to climb aboard :evil: :evil: :whistle:


    Can I help it if I am an adept at management :yesmaster:

  13. You obviously need to read a little closer Jack :roll:


    Tony Corbin has the cover photo as well as the excellent interview by John Blackman


    Tut tut man ......better get to specsavers :whistle:

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