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  • Occupation
    HM Armed Forces
  1. Now I'm embarrassed, I didn't even think of a radar trailer. As for its location my friend was based in Perth and originally said it was about two hours drive from him. I've asked him for any further details and we'll see what he says.
  2. A friend of mine working as an RSPB ranger for a season sent me these three photos of an old trailer out somewhere in northern Scotland. Not quite a scrap yard relic, but it is certainly looking rather tired. I don't even think it is military; perhaps someone more knowledgable than I might be able to identify it.
  3. Hello all, I just thought I'd finally post a quick introduction as W&P is rolling around and I plan to finally attend for the first time this year. I've been lurking on the forum for a few years (I think I spotted an advert in MMI magazine, which I've been reading since late 02) but don't own anything (yet). With regards to W&P does anyone have any general advice for a newbie (travel times, parking, facilities, etc)? I'm planning on driving across from central London (Holloway to be precise) on both Saturday and Sunday. Many thanks in advance.
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