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Posts posted by GoranWC51

  1. The "true" trailer to have is of course the 1/4t WW2 Jeep trailer, Willys MBT, Bantam, etc. They can be loaded with quite a lot of gear and still be manageable when braking.


    Adding a bustle rack to the rear of the Jeep will take some extra gear too.




    There are new racks that can be hung to the rear and not require any drilling of holes, and also keep the spare wheels in its original position.


    WW2 1/4t trailers can still be found, even though prices have risen lately. A lot of the ex French army ones have the wrong lunette (Ben Hur type), wrong safety chains and hooks (Ben Hur) and usually one piece/Hotchkiss wheels with Michelin tyres.


    Goran N

  2. "how does one aquire a stridwagen 104 from sweden ?"


    I seriously doubt that you'll be able to find a Stridsvagn 104 for sale to a private individual.



    60 pieces of Kristianstad Brigade tanks being transferred in 1992 to Södermanland Brigade (MekB 10), where they were in service until 1994, when they were transferred to the island of Gotland to upgrade and modernize Gotland Brigade (MekB 18). The tanks came to serve at Gotland Brigade to the 2000-year defense when tank training ceased at brigade and the remaining Tank 104's were scrapped.


    There are a few examples placed in museums around the country, and a number were given to museums abroad. I think that The Tank Museum got one.


    Here's one Centurion at the Arsenalen armour museum in Strangnas, Sweden, in 2011. It is towing a fuel/petrol tank (?)



    The vast majority of the Cent's/104's were scrapped a long time ago, unfortunately.


    I would try to get hold of a Centurion elsewhere. They do come up for sale from time to time.


    The Rolls Royce engines that were taken out of the Centurions when they were upgraded to diesel power can be found for sale here in Sweden.


    Goran N


    Goran N

  3. I was under the impression that the Kfz 17 restoration hadn't progressed as far as it has... =)


    It's nice to see a vehicle that really stands out from all the usual Jeeps, GMC's and Dodge's. I'd love to get my hands on an equally rare vehicle and bring it back to that condition.


    Goran N

  4. Hello Funksammler and welcome to the forum. You have chosen an unusual part of the military hobby. German radio equipment must be really hard to come by. And I guess that's one of the reasons you're collecting? =)


    I found this really well restored Kfz on the Wechrmacht forum:http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/showthread.php?t=625512


    I guess you already know of this vehicle. It's mind boggling! I can't even begin to wonder the effort it has taken to find and collect all the specialist equipment...



    Please post lots of pictures of your collection and of your KFZ 17 project.


    Goran N


  5. The museum at Parola is really worth checking out. Plenty of very nice vehicles. One of my fav's is the Russian BA20 armored car. It was taken by the Finns during the winter war and used as a Military Police vehicle if I'm not mistaken. Here's a pic of it from the 1940's (or 50's?)




    It was "restored" a number of years ago by volunteers, and they didn't do that great of a job... The fenders on both sides are really rough. The BA20 was basically a model A with a Russian armored body with a turret sporting a machine gun.


    Enjoy your stay. The Finns are quiet at first, but once you get to know them (and they've had a few Koskenkorva Vodka, they're fine, hehe)


    Goran N

  6. I remember when I bought my Dodge WC51 in Kongsberg, Norway, in April 1994, for 300£ (!). They had rows of GMC's for sale at the same auction, and the Shop Van ones were at the bottom of the list and sold for around 80£ each.....


    Those were the days. Wish I had bought a bunch and parked them in a shed for future use...


    Goran N

  7. Hi Charlie,


    I know of a front part from a 1943 Dodge WC54 ambulance belonging to a friend of mine in Holland.


    He bought a cut down WC54 from France and I helped him find a new body for it. The cab on his old one, cut off just by the spare tire carrier, is for sale.


    It's hard to see, but it is hidden behind my Willys MBT and a pile of parts off my WC51:




    Contact me off forum at goran_noren[at]yahoo[dot]com



    Good luck,


    Goran N

  8. This Ford M8 Greyhound was presented to Sweden from France in 1984, complete and in running condition, together with an equally nice Scout Car





    Swedish UN troops in Congo used a number of confiscated M8's as well as a couple of Scout Cars. The M8's were named: "Anne Belle","Lulle Belle", "Bibbi Belle" and "Nina Belle".


    In December 1962 two of these captured M 8 were pressed into Swedish UN service.


    On 31st December 1962 these ACs supported LtCol Bengt Fredman´s Bn assaulting Kaminaville.


    During spring 1963 this unit known as P 6 grew to four M 8:s and two M 3 Scoutcars. In 1964 it was considered to move the unit to Cyprus but instead the cars were returned to the Kongolese.


    Goran N



  9. Hyvää päivää,


    and welcome to the friendliest forum around =)


    Owning a vehicle is not mandatory at all. I started out in the Swedish MV club MFHF in 1981 and didn't get my vehicle, a 1945 Dodge WC51, until April 1994, just in time for the Normandy celebrations that year.


    Göran N

  10. I believe you can jump start a 6 volt battery with a 12 volt unit. I had huge problems with my GMC CCKW H1 as it would clear the battery out and needing a jump start every now and then. I should be ok as long as you don't leave the 12 volt and 6 volt units connected to each other once the 6 volt vehicle has started.


    I suppose it's not healthy for a 6 volt battery to get jump started by 12 volts too often during its life cycle...


    But if one's stranded somewhere with no other options...


    Goran N

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