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Posts posted by rnixartillery

  1. We are all in the same boat here whether you own a Bren Gun or a Sherman Tank ,this will effect us all.

    The advise I have been given is to write letters to appose the EU legislation that has not clearly been thought through.

    It will be taken to the court of human rights if anything to determine compensation ,to have something legally owned and then made an offence to own pretty much overnight has to be compensated for by someone !

    I believe the Royal armouries have stated they will not de-activate thousands of weapons held in their collection and rightly so.

    We must not give up on this yet, those who shout the loudest get heard !



  2. I fear we may never get the chance to vote on a simple in or out. I doubt the great experiment will still be here in twenty years but I also can't see any of these sorts of laws being repealed if we do regain our independence.


    I quite agree and believe this could be the start to a whirlwind ,what will be next on the agenda ?

    I'm sure National museums and clearly the MOD will be exempt but there are other private collection with historic value so I fear for these. A good friend of mine has the most extensive firearms collection I have ever seen which stems from early maxims,Vickers,Nordenfelts ,PomPoms right up to weapons of today ,the collection contains over 1,500 pieces and he owns dozens of one offs,a multi million pound collection .

    I hope someone with sense can identify these rarities.




  3. Okay ,Attached is a couple of pics (for the non believer's) from the pre production L118 LG Manual. This original manual shows the 1st generation Prototype that was quite different from the final approved product that went into service in 1975.

    You will notice that at this early stage the Jack strut (which was later adopted for speedy removal of the wheel to deploy the Gun ) was not an option and the use of a Hydraulic jack was the original idea.

    This manual is correct for the LG I am restoring as well as the gun being dated 1968 on most component's including the breech and barrel.

    I have the brackets fitted to the carriage but no jack !

    With this prototype the wheel is not actually removed to traverse the saddle, before jacking up the piece you unlock the suspension by turning a suspension bump stop which once jacked up allows the wheel/hub to drop giving clearance for the saddle to turn and then reverse the sequence to deploy.



    DSCF3349 (2).jpg

    DSCF3350 (2).jpg

    DSCF3351 (2).jpg

  4. I'm quite sure you are right Mike ,you would think a standard Jack would have been supplied in the set up stage .

    The 1968 Manuals I have show the jack in a line drawing and its location but quite a basic description.

    'Jack ,Hydraulic,1 Ton Light'


    I will scan the page and post it up .




  5. You're a tad off track there mate.


    The was no '1st generation Light Gun'. Light Gun entered service in 1975, I know this for as fact because at the time I was doing a 12 month course at RSA and did a factory visit to ROF Nottingham, which awash with Light Guns under construction for the Brit Army. Before this the Brit Army used the Oto-Melara 105mm How (Pack How in UK service, introduced c. 1963) and I used these 1965-68 in Borneo and UK.


    If you are interested in the history of the 105mm Light Gun then see http://nigelef.tripod.com/p_105ltgun.htm . This site knows what it is talking about. You'll note that trials of the prototype Light Gun were in 1968.


    I won't embarrass you by asking for the source of the codswallop, just advise 'don't trust it'!


    Completely on track 100% and I am not your mate ! the source being a 1st Generation L118 gun 'The 1968 prototype' or one of them anyway is currently in my workshop under going a full restoration.

    The Gun has a full history and there is not another like it.


    You seem to think you know it all ............................very sad




  6. It certainly makes you wonder what it still abandoned in these lakes waiting to be found !

    Good luck to these people, they deserve it.



  7. Stuart,


    It is a Russian 45mm AT Gun, I have owned several and to be honest an incomplete one is worth very little .A good complete example in the UK is worth around 5 to 7K.

    My last restored one now resides in the Australian Armour and Artillery Museum.




  8. The M104 was used for a number of applications throughout the war and much later on after, My research has led me to believe that the 'M' implies Miscellaneous with the use of different inserts.



  9. A fresh update to the thread In that I have been successful in a long search for the missing Breech parts and after several days of repairs and fine tuning the breech is now complete, assembled and working a treat.

    The elevation dog and new spring that I have had made are fantastic and work well.

    Just the firing platform to blast clean next ,paint and fit and then the old girl is about done !







  10. From around the mid 1970's the right hand wheel was removed with the use of a Jack strut to deploy the Light Gun, the first generation L118's (1960's) carried a light hydraulic bottle jack (1 ton, light) and handle in brackets located at the rear of the carriage underneath the saddle which was evidently done away with because this method took too long.

    Does anyone have knowledge of this type of bottle jack, I know its hydraulic , rated at one ton and classed as light.

    dimensions are 7" depressed and 17" fully extended, base diameter around 4-5 inches.


    Any help appreciated.



  11. I remember a friend of mine having an inflatable 15 cwt truck and it was bonneted ,he use to inflate it now and then on the village green. It was two piece, the cab and the body but you needed to put a box or something underneath to support it.

    Quite impressive when you took time to see how it was made.

    I also have photo's of inflatable Artillery being set up.



  12. They seem to be working on 2 pdr anti-tank guns ,barrels ,recouperators and breeches the far side .



  13. Thank you, Rob


    I strongly suspect that if I entered your premises, I'd leave with a 25pdr too :laugh:


    Sounds good, choice available , that limber is very lonely ! ;) all joking aside if you struggle to view one nearer home you are welcome to come up.



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