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mark m uk

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Posts posted by mark m uk

  1. Hi Grippa,


    Thanks for the kind words.


    Yes, it will swim, but it will not have front wheel drive - that is for the MKII, maybe. lots of work required for that particular specification to be realised.


    The replica is not 'exact'. It was never intended to be. It is my intention to make a close, but not absolutely 100% representation of a VW type166.


    Back to basics. I have a really nice original Ford GPA, and have been involved in building a replica of that. I also (many years ago) supplied replica GPA parts. Many of the GPAs out there have my replica parts on them. I challenge anyone to tell which parts on which Amphibs they are, and it for the owners to divulge - not me.


    Those are my 'credentials', and without wishing to sound immodest, if I wanted to make an exact replica, accurate to the finest detail - I would!


    In any event, very good replicas are already available from CZ, and there is no point or desire to tread on toes.


    The reason behind this project is to see if a fair representation of a 166 can be made from a stock, and readily available VW beetle, for a price that is affordable - and thus make it once again possible for the 'ordinary' man in the street to at least have something. To even hope to acheive that some comprimises have to be made - not least of all so as Beetle parts will fit.


    It would seem that collecting military vehicles, a hobby that I remember as a 'poor mans classic car', has to some extent been hijacked by the wealthy.


    Certainly, Armour and German vehicles have become out of financial reach.


    The 166, will never again be available for anything like the price that anyone on an average salary could afford.


    Anyway, those are my thoughts, and that is my reasoning.


    Regards Mark.

  2. Thanks Guys, some great comments - really appreciate the interest.


    That really does look a very scruffy job, so I figured I'd tidy it up with a coat of primer, so wire wheeled it back to metal and got the spray gun out. it looks much better for some paint, now I can work my way around the tub and massage all the dents out.


    A couple of pictures I took today - I used up all the odds and ends of primer . :D



  3. Got to say your welding in previous pics certainly looked very good. It's harder to get decent welds on thin panels without distortion than doing the heavier structural stuff!


    How did you come about the panels over the rear, with compound curves?

    They look like panels off another car adjusted to fit and a very good job again.


    Thank you, that is exactly right. I made paper mache type 'casting' of the sort of shape I wanted, then found a close approximation, cut it, beat it and generally altered it and made it fit !


    Thanks for your interest, Regards Mark.

  4. Spent the lion share of today playing swimmers :D

    I just love this extended summer we are having, up early in the morning, big hearty breakfast - wander out to the garage and start hitting metal -

    Used my trusty 166 reference book and found a picture of the relevent area to be reproduced. I'd already bought from The CZ R one of the little complicated pressings, and also the cast hooks, so this would be a breeze.


    Estimated the size of all the relevent pieces, cut them out and gradually folded and beat them into a suitable shape.


    Then, cut some heads off bolts, cut some tube into lengths, cut and drilled out some reinforcement bars - checked it all against the picture of an original


    Then, punched all the holes and screwed it into place, useing alternate holes. The screws can be removed after the first weld, and those holes welded up making it super strong, and when dressed off has an appearance like factory spot welds as per the original. Also made reinforced propeller mount, and bolted that in place ready for a big weld up.


    Then after the welding ..............I have to confess to getting my mate round with his big mig - my experience and equipment is just not up to this job. I have deceided to just use my little DIY welder to tack stuff in place, then let a grown up actually glue it together.




  5. Mark, just noticed your footnote regarding pics of my other junk, post away!


    A couple to go on with, I will post more later, but it takes an age to upload to P/B with the B/B connection we get out here in the sticks.


    Did you get those pictures sent from the guy in the red marshal vest ?

    Bloody brilliant one of your Ronson done in Sepia.





  6. I deceided to try out some of those czech parts, They certainly look good in the on line catalouge. The price is ......reasonable too.


    I have to be careful with the budget, and the whole idea was to scratch build, but it makes sense to buy a few parts that I cannot make, or I have no idea what shape or size an item should be.


    So, I chose some castings - I cant really make structural castings here. I have made castings in the past, but only sort of 'oraments', not stuff that is funtional and has to be stressed. - I got the cast tow hooks, I can make the rest. I also bought a pressing that they mount into - a really complicated pressing for only a handful of pennies.


    Also, some of the exhaust system. - seems a lot of money at £350, but making one for that is a whole other issue - quicker for me to grit my teeth and lay a couple thousand bricks - paid for.


    No plate blanks - tenner each. Rear light mounts, 30 sobs each,


    castings for the propeller housing - ordered them all, but the main one was out of stock- frown.gif thats the one thing I really, really, really wanted.


    Then a windsheild, that looked good value at £250 - so I ordered one. Something must have happened in translation because they sent me a canopy/roof support. frown.gif I am OK to keep that, but I am pissed because it is a part that I could easily make. Maybe I will copy it, and sell it on.


    Also, one bend was missing from the exhaust system - so altogether not a hugely successful retail experience.


    + the bank caned me for transfering the funds in CZ Koruna.


    Now, I have to try and explain that a part is missing - Do you think this picture explains well enough ?....I sent it to Vladimir, I think he will get the point biggrin.gif



  7. Triple A even...


    Yeah, I know - we all know ..................But it doesn't fit the JOKE !


    Jokes require slack, they are not based on fact - they are jokes :)


    Anyway, Thanks Adrian, and yes it is a fact you were chugging along nicely until I made you stop. Anyone with less manners would have kept going and not got bogged, we all know the value of momentum on mud or sand.


    Regards Mark.

  8. Yep, get your old van bogged down in soft shifting sand, and the best thing is arrange a tow from the AA..............


    ....................Anti-aircraft Artillary, Why ? who did you think ?




    I hope the 'Man-with-a-Van' doesn't mind, :sweat:


    Regards Mark.


    P.s. if he is OK with it, I have some pictures of some of his other 'old vans'

    I'd like to upload. ? ? ?

  9. Apart from a few little jobs, and a bit of internet research not much happening with the shcrapwagen. I have been too busy out with the boys 'playing tanks' - had a great weekend.


    Will post up some progress soon, had a delivery of parts from the CZ R, nothing much - just some little castings and exhaust pipes etc.


    I have to say, those boys are very good - and agree that they are great to deal with, quick and reliable.


    Regards to all the shcrapwagen watchers. Mark.

  10. Blimey, 8 days, no replies.


    Well I guess no one on this forum has a 166, or at least those that do have A) no interest in this thread, or B) no interest in helping :-D


    Anyway, I bought one now, and expect delivery soon. So put away your tape measures 166 owners, crisis over - no help required. Point taken.


    Regards Mark.

  11. There was one or two that went for a little over 100K-150K USD within the last 2 years in an auction, so all the Schwimmer owners thought they could get that to, it was a freak buy that someone paid that much. Most are listed from 100-200K USD and aren't selling at all, I think that 80+ is probably where you will start to see some sell again. The price of Stuarts in the USA has gone through the roof, some are advertised for 200-250K USD now, if someone wants it bad enough and they have enough money then they will pay just to have it, they were about 100K several years ago, fully restored.... I had a chance to buy a M18 Hellcat for about 125K in 2006, it sold in 2009 for 250K plus.. :banghead:


    I agree, having been really active researching all things VW166 over the last year. Very recently a 'almost complete' 166, in 'fair condition', that was about 80% restored sold for approx 45 K Euros. My guess because my offer iof 40k was not enough.


    The high prices are not (IMO) sustainable, and are a temporary glitch caused by the current economic climate.


    just a thought. regards Mark.

  12. The picture is a bit small but the bolt heads are 9 pixels and the dimension you're after is 152 (ish) pixels so it's 16.88888888x bigger than whatever the bolt heads are. I'd assume they're metric and hence a common size?


    I'm sure that's no help whatsoever, but hey ho!


    I really do appreciate the input - if only I was capable of doing the math :-D . A very interesting way to calcalate the size, and I am sure it works, ................................................at least in theory.


    To be honest, befor I commit myself to something like a weeks work trying to make that part - i'd feel a lot more comfortable if someone passed a 'stick of inches' accross it !.............


    Thanks again, regards Mark.

  13. I was hopeing someone here could help me out, I need the dimension of the centres of the input and output shaft on the propeller housing. There are somethings that I really cant scale off the model,


    Thanks guys,..............Regards Mark.



  14. Thanks Guys, and dead right too !


    The Yanks realised that getting out would be a problem, even with front wheel drive - and every GPA was equipped with a front deck mounted capstan winch for exactly that job.


    One of the reasons most of the production of GPA's went to Russia is because they were next to useless.

    Most of western Europe has relatively narrow, fast flowing rivers with steep banks. The US and eastern Europe seem to have wide, shallower, slower flowing rivers with graduated banks, much better for amphibious operations.


    The Russians loved the GPA's and made their own almost identical version after the war - GAZ.


    Even with front wheel drive, the Schwimmer struggled, but of course manpower was available.


    Regards Mark.

  15. Willyslancs, thanks mate :)


    Gripper, Good question, it was covered a few posts previous.


    The 4X4 system, or more accurately the front axle drive, is not so very complex, but it is totally unavailable, and quite unlike anything else. The differential caseing is at the very centre of the vehicle front and is an integral part of the structure.


    So, the difficulties are many. That being the situation, I figured it would be better to just totally ignore it. If the Beetle/Schwimmer hybrid is a success, then the problem may be explored in a MKII :-D


    Thanks for your interest, Regards Mark.

  16. As promised an update on the replica build.


    Last couple of days I have mostly been making air ducting - of course this being air cooled the air has to come from somewhere and Herr Porsche figured the inside of the hull was the only dry option.


    Trickiest job was getting my new duct to line up with the existing Beetle intake fan housing.


    The pictures explain............and yes, there is a steel shortage in East Anglia. I did resort to useing my Racking from the garage shelves.


    I know the mesh is different, I did source some correct stamped sheet - but minimum size is a 1m x 2m sheet. I posted a picture for comparison of a real VW166 - it is the feild grey one (in case you didn't spot the difference :-D)


    Regards Mark.







  17. Very Funny indeed,


    I think the scaffolder had his tongue in his cheek when he asked for that !


    One of my favorites is also a local buider with a signwritten van and an unfortunate surname and initials,


    I always chuckle when I see his van, and huge lettering "B. J. CHAMPION" - not something I would boast about !


    Regards Mark.

  18. Enigma,


    Collecting helmets is one of my secondary hobbies after vehicles. I have to say that having read this entire thread, I would comment that your knowledge and skill levels are extremely high.


    The second generation corking is very good indeed.


    I thought you, and a few others, may appreciate this picture. It is one of the best helmets in my collection.


    A battle damaged M1c, front seam fixed bale, with para liner. Not a textbook combo, but living proof that not all equipment was as issued.


    Issued to a trooper of 502 PIR, 101st AB. I acquired this from the grandson of the owners of Rolley castle, in Belgium. It was picked up near the castle, after the unfortunate trooper was hit during the battle immediately prior to Pattons relief of Bastogne.


    This photo is a good overview, but does not show the heart motif, or the exit hole and webbing detail.


    I could load more pictures, but not sure if such a post would be regarded as an unwelcome trespass on your thread.




    Regards Mark M

  19. Extremely useful Schwim-chat going on here, thanks guys it really is very useful.


    I can say that good original complete 166 have been SOLD for figures in excess of 140,000 E.


    I have been offered a nice complete example that is running, not totallyoriginal, and needs complete restoration for £100,000 that is NOT sold.


    I know of another nicely restored example that is being offered for 140,000 E,


    Another nicely restored example with some unoriginal parts for 200,000 dollars


    Another incomplete and very rusty body, with no mechanical parts at 30,000 Dollars


    A body that is mostly complete, no fittings, no mechanical parts 30,000 E


    That seems to be the range of prices today, what happens (up or down) in the future is anyones guess.



    Hanno, that is very good information. I had considered an earlier chassis to get the tread width the same. However, I opted for the later chassis for a number of reasons - It is only a few millimetres different and it is closer to the rear axle dimention after the addition of dropped axle reduction boxes. But mostly, post 67 Beetle chassis are by far the most readily available. Good left hand drive versions are plentiful from rust free countries.


    I think your suggestion is perfect for 'one off' projects. Thanks for the imput.


    Regards Mark.

  20. So any idea how much 1 of your repro's might cost me?


    Good question, very good question, in fact - that is the $64,000 question.


    As the project develops, more and more problems offer them selves, and more and more solutions are found.


    It is not until the project is finished that all the problems will have been found, and all the expenses and costs known.


    That is the whole idea of the build - to see if it is

    A) possible,

    B) viable

    C) affordable


    I hope to have an answer to your question by Beltring next year.


    Learned years ago to keep my mouth shut until I can say something that can be backed up.


    It is pointless in asking if there would be any interest in these, I know that there is enormous interest in a fair working replica - but it is all dependant on the cost - and that will depend on the results of this experiment.


    Regards Mark.

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