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Richard Grosvenor

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Posts posted by Richard Grosvenor

  1. Hello everyone!


    As Matt said Muckleburgh is a brilliant example of a privately owned museum and is well worth a visit ( or two ).


    I'd forgot about Health and Safety! But I'm sure this and other problems can be got around.


    Larry, there was an article in one of the MV magazines about the storage of the Green Goddesses, apparently the buildings were air-conditioned and dehumidified. The only problem I could see with a very high building would be the problem of heating all that extra space. Probably :?


    Tyler, 3056 sq ft doesn't sound enough. My "shed" is 60' x 30' which equals 1800sq ft. 3056 sq ft is only about a 75' x 40' building. Judging from the personnel door of the pictured building it looks alot bigger than that. :shock:


    But all in all I think the general idea of a museum is a very good one.




  2. Hello Mick,

    I certainly would like to go in convoy.

    I had a look on a route planner and that looks like a good way to go, I wasn't looking forward to the A14 and the M11!

    Is the A1198 a good road without too many tight turns or bottlenecks as I'll be towing the FH70 with the Militant and I wouldn't want to cause too much of a hold up. All being well the Land Rover and Ferret should also be coming, well they're entered at least!




  3. Hello,


    It's a very good idea but I would think that nowadays it would be very difficult to get off the ground. Don't get me wrong if we had the necessary buildings we would love to house such a museum.

    I think it would be finding a suitable location that would be the biggest problem. Most Military type museums tend to be housed on old airfields, which is ideal, large open spaces, large (and in some cases very large) buildings and say 20 years ago these places were worthless as they had no other use so were cheap to buy. Now when an airfield is no longer needed it's turned into an industrial area or a massive housing estate, a whole new township in some cases.


    While Duxford is a brilliant museum the MV's are very much the poor relation when compared to the planes. I was speaking to someone who has first hand experience of dealing with Duxford. He was saying while they will spend hundreds of thousands restoring a plane the Land Warfare hall has non-running vehicles that only need a £30 part to get them going again but they won't/can't buy the parts.

    And just look where the LWHall is, miles away from everything else. The Teletubbies house, I mean the American building, was allowed near the original WW2 hangers, but if the LWhall was any further away it would no longer be on the airfield :?




  4. Well, I have to agree with Mick about the Ferret's engine. It's brilliant!!

    But I don't think I've yet to see or hear a Stalwart running "in the flesh".


    And I also agree with Andy about the Decom Units ( or ARS-14's to give them their correct title) not being very practical. The tanks are very easily removed and I've been told that the body off a Rubery Owen dropside trailer will fit on the ZIL's chassis to make a passable replica cargo truck.

    But I want to keep mine original. If people keep removing the tanks there probably won't be many ARS-14's left in preservation. I've heard that in the past the "common" variant of a vehicle has been over looked only to become rare years later. ( Hopefully :wink: )




  5. Hello Neil,


    Ah.. but would you rather have one instead of a Stalwart? :wink: :lol:

    ZIL's can also do the Stalwarts flaming exhaust party trick,( right into the path of oncoming traffic! 8) )




  6. Hello Tyler and Mick,


    I think Duxford would be the best bet being pretty much in the middle of "our" area.

    And I'm definitely going to Duxford. I'm still not sure on Belvoir though, I want to!!


    But I do think it would be fun to have a run to a local museum or the like.





    ( Ps. Tyler, I was outside last night and left MSN online. Sorry! :oops: )

  7. Well...I have to say I have had more genuine enquiries for the ZIL advertised on MILWEB with the price on application than I have when I've advertised it with a price.

    In the month it's been on there I have had 7 enquires. The first one was a scammer, another was someone who'd got completely the wrong vehicle( :? ), someone else decided he wasn't "spiritually" ready to own a ZIL and of the 4 others, 2 are possible.

    When I've advertised it with a price I've had between 20-25 enquires, BUT 98% of these have been scams with interested party offering a bankers draft for £1000 more than the asking price. Of the remaining 5%, these have been prats with nothing better to do than wasting time by offering a very low amount!


    I honestly don't know whether to re-advertise it on MILWEB, that's if I re-advertise it at all!


    Plans are forming to put it into U.N. livery. 8)





    Ps. mentioning spiritually, well spirits really, Do you belive in Ghosts?

    This may convince you.

    Apparently this video was meant to be a car ad but was never aired when it was discovered that this location had been the scene of a fatal accident.

    Watch the front of the car as it pulls out of the bend. A faint mist can be seen and if you turn the sound up, the cameraman's comments can just be heard.



  8. Mind you, Richard, arn't you selling a Zill >>>>>>>>>>> :lol:


    Mmmmm...... :shock: ....I might be....


    But then I look at it and start it up and think I should keep it.


    I am planning to re-spray it white, as it was when I got it, and mark it up in U.N. livery. At least then it would be a bit different to all the others. :lol:




  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... :x

    Another one today. He phoned up earlier this week about the ZIL. He'd .."been looking for one for ages, seen the picture's on my website, definitely wants to buy it, will becoming over the weekend to look at it, please don't sell it until I get there!"


    Right, no problem, I even give it a wash, and I've got a cold, I could catch pneumonia!!!


    And what happens....nothing!! I wait about all weekend and again another no show!! Why do they do it?! :twisted:


    :twisted: :evil: :x :twisted: :evil:


    :wink: Richard


  10. Hello Mick,


    Well we could go to Poland and back. Probably best to start with a trip a little closer to home though :wink:


    A few weeks ago I went up to Newark Air Museum ( http://www.newarkairmuseum.co.uk/home.cfm ) with the Ex Military Land Rover Association and it was a very nice day out and I've been thinking of suggesting something similar.


    Muckleburgh ( http://www.muckleburgh.co.uk/ ) maybe? It could be a little too far though.


    Any other ideas?




  11. I never went over there. I was going to but then I got offered the Militant.

    From the pictures he sent of the ZIL I couldn't fault it. There was/is a few small areas that need attention but he pointed them out and sent detailed photos of them. And the fact that he offered to deliver the ZIL under its own power ( a long journey) proved to me it must have been in good mechanical order.




  12. Has anyone seen the featured vehicle in this months MV price guide of CMV Magazine.

    They say that the ZIL 131 is UGLY!!

    Are they blind!! It's a beautiful truck. Just look at all those curves!! From any angle they are perfect!!


    UGLY!!!UGLY !!! :twisted:


    :wink: Regards



    (I wish I could get £4000 for mine though)

  13. I haven't brought anything from him but just over a year ago I was going to buy the ZIL 131 Radio Truck he still has listed. Mind you, then it was over £4000, now it's £2000! :twisted:

    He's a Brit living in Germany so the language is no problem, very helpful and he sent loads ( and I mean loads!) of pictures of the ZIL. But then the Militant came along at a similar price and without the hassle of importing and registering so I brought that instead.





    Ps. If anyone is planning a trip.....£2000 for a ZIL 131 radio truck is very tempting...I might want to come along :wink:

  14. So much for the bangs, gang!

    Latest piece of pc stupidity 'Baa baa black sheep have you any wool'

    Is now..........................


    'Baa baa RAINBOW sheep have you any wool' sounds like the rule makers have had the wrong acid drops if they can see rainbow sheep!!


    This gem was found in the Daily Express



    And in the Daily Mail.

    Humpty Dumpty has also had the "PC" treatment and now has a happy ending. Something stupid like " he counts to ten and get back up again" :twisted:

    I can't see whats wrong with him ending up with his brains scrambled all over the floor, if he's stupid enough to prat about on a wall then thats his problem. It's a good message to children " Don't prat about on a wall or you'll fall off and kill yourself!!


    :wink: Regards


  15. Hello Tyler and Chris,


    Tyler, yes sand certainly does make a difference to the usual green and black. I've found with the Ferret though that "sand" is much harder to keep clean. And the general public would think it was it was for the Gulf War rather than Aden.


    Chris, the Militant has got 15-00 X 20 tyres, I think the Martian runs on 14-00's. We got 4 new tyres for the Militant off Ebay, £136 for all four!

    There's a firm advertises in the MV Magazines, The British Rubber Company, I think. The regualarly have 15's and 14.00 X 20 in stock @ about £165 each. But they're normally the Russian "chocolate box" directional tread rather than Bar-Grips.


    The old Leyland Martian is one heck of a beast by the way! :wink:




  16. Hello,


    While doing a "Google" for AEC Militant I came across these two pictures of my Militant.


    This one was taken at a Military Vehicle Rally at DLI Museum Durham August 2003.



    But this one is the one I find most interesting, taken at the same Rally but in 2002.



    Hmmm...do I re-spray it sand? :wink:




  17. Hello Tyler and Mick and anyone else,


    A TEAM website would be good and I think quite cheap and easy to do.

    Mind you have you noiced that there's nearly been 100 hundred posts on this thread. Is that a record on here?


    We'll have to put our heads together and come up with some idea's and aims for TEAM.




  18. Hello,


    Isn't there a stipulation on your driving licence which limits the amount of passengers you can carry?

    I think it comes back to these "B" and "C1" categories limits again.


    I seem to remember that if you only have a "B" licence you can't (legally) drive even a Land Rover 110 Station Wagon if it has a center seat in the front as it would then seat 10 ( I think :shock: ). But if it hasn't got the center seat it only seats 9 and then can be driven on a "B" licence.


    Has anyone looked at their driving licence to see if it says anything about this?




  19. That didn't take long did it :shock:

    Well done Mick!

    I like that sand and green camo, I was toying with doing my Ferret like that but I'm sticking with all sand for the time being.


    Lee, don't mince your words or sugar coat it, just say it as it is :wink:




  20. Right, it's held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. It started out as a monthly meet for a Leicestershire Historic Sports Car Club but now anyone and everyone can just turn up with whatever machine they have.




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