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John F

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Posts posted by John F

  1. 3 hours ago, johann morris said:

    Morning John,

    No I didn't know that and I wish that I had earlier but I do now.


    Ah, I touched on the subject back in November 2020 when I offered to translate some documentation for you (but you said your wife would do it for you).

  2. Excellent work as always, Jon. If you're unsure about any of the wording on items in the vehicle please feel free to get in touch, as I think you know I'm a German technical translator with particular interest in the equipment of WW2.

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, ruxy said:

    I have to keep a good  reference library - mainly about WW2 , that's because I have been known to write chapters for others under a nom-de-plume  ,  another life I prefer to keep private.  Mainly  originating from a little 'field' research - so it's original source material - that helps bulk-out the work of others.

    I can understand that... I used to live in France & Germany & did plenty of my own WW2 'field research' when I was over there :-)

  4. 1 minute ago, ruxy said:

    That took a bit of finding , actually a stroke of luck , only got through abt. 1/4 of stacks of books .  I have quite an extensive library and have a stack of specially prepared timber done for me at a furniture factory , after many years I have still to find the time to assemble it into large book-cases for the 'play' room.

    The book is   Who Financed Hitler  :  The Secret Funding of  Hitler's Rise to Power    1919 - 1933.  It's by  James and Suzanne Pool.


    I came across another book  -  IIRC a bit of heavy reading but not a weighty tome.

    US  Wartime Aid to Britain    1940-1946   by Alan  P.  Dobson


    And  another   -   I think I purchased this about early last year ,  I found it a good book - I think this is the book where it tells a few truths regarding petrol & aviation 100 octane - the supply situation during WW2.


    Britains War Machine  :  Weapons, Resources and Experts in the Second World War   -  it's bt  David Edgerton.




    Thanks ruxy, I'll add those to my reading list.

    31770, sorry for derailing your thread!


  5. 4 hours ago, ruxy said:

    It is possible that a two wheel trailer was used for small scale parasites such as bed-bugs , on bedding / uniforms etc.   AFAIK  the Germans & British used larger scale decontamination using superheated steam & chemicals during WW2  ,  during WW1  I believe it was only a  steam low-pressure generator  used, (not wet).

    DDT was used as an insecticide by the allies from around mid-1942, and it was released as an agricultural pesticide after the war... maybe a local farmer bought a war surplus decontamination trailer to spray his crops?

  6. It can't be Helvetica, that font doesn't have a flat top 3.

    There are font search websites out there where you can upload a picture of the font you want to have identified... one of those might be your best bet.


  7. I suspect all NATO parties will have had protracted discussions before releasing our state of the art tanks to Ukraine. It'll be interesting to see how they fare against what the Russians have to offer.

  8. 4 hours ago, johann morris said:

    That's the plan but when, I wouldn't like to say.The tracks are still the main issue and what with the current financial situation, I can't see there being a cost effective solution any time soon. My intention is still to fabricate a set but speaking to my argon supplier, they expect the cost of gas to become almost unafforable, so fabrication may not be an option either. 

    I have given servicing a lot of thought and have started creating a manual of sorts, showing all the greasing points etc. I have put access holes in the hull base to get to the filters and drain holes. The engine oil filter is a bit of a pain, as to get to it at the moment entails removing the engine deck but I am considering adding a remote filter in a more accessible location. The good thing about stripping it all down and reassembling it, is that it gives you the opportunity to experience, see any areas that need improvement and deal with them.



    Good to know you've taken servicing into account, Jon!

    One other thing - what about flex in the chassis? You've used much lower-gauge metal while building than the original plate metal, are you confident that it's going to stay stiff?

    With regard to the tracks, is casting your own track links not an option? After seeing what you've already been capable of I'm sure you have the skills to do it.

  9. Great work as usual, Jon. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Pz 2 at the Yorkshire Wartime Experience, if you're still intending to unveil it there when it's finished.

    Something I've been wondering about for a while though... have you given any thought to servicing during your build, since you've been using non-standard drivetrain components? Will you have good access to drain plugs, filters, etc.?

    Also, have you made up your mind yet about the best approach for the tracks?

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