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Everything posted by SimonSteggall

  1. I have booked the Hucks in for this years event, so hope to see you all there. I would like to also do 1 lap of the airfield just to give her a long run. Last year I think I was lapped before the end of the one lap I did despite starting near the front. As she has an engine dating from 1919, I do not even try to thrash her!. Gently for an old lady on 1 lap of honor...
  2. Hi. Yes you are right, they were used to start Bristol fighters as well as most Hawker bi planes. They were even used to start some Russian aircraft in WWII. Some were also used to start multi engined aircraft....one at a time though!!
  3. The vehicle used to start the aircraft is a Hucks starter and was invented buy a chap called Captain Hucks. This one is owned and operated buy the Historic Aircraft Collection and is driven my me. We use it to start our Hawker Nimrod as the aircraft does not have an electric start. To date I have done 7 starts. In front of the propellor is a very dangerous place to be, so the driver must pay attention and know what they are doing. The vehicle is a converted model T Ford and the engine dates from 1919. This was our first time at the rally at Duxford and was great. Plan to be there next year. The Hucks is not road worthy as I think the starting shaft would be a problem, but I can put it on a trailer and take it to shows on request. I have put a start on u tube at http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=P2xM9r_bs00 Would be more than willing to answer any questions about this wonderful bit of kit. Please email me simonsteggall@btinternet.com
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