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Everything posted by paul_n

  1. Sorry for late reply just returned from Beauleiu AutoJumble got some nice old seats and a big steering wheel. Well I wanted a leaf spring front end and a very long and narrow chassis , so my first thought was a 109" LandRover however there ar to many technical problems that stop radiator/engine/gearbox being moved back about 2 foot so that is a no go and Range Rovers similar problems and just to modern for me/style of vehicle I want to build. regards Paul
  2. Sorry for late reply just returned from Beauleiu AutoJumble got some nice old seats and a big steering wheel. A friend around the corner does Triumphs so was hoping if I can get this on the road and past the DVLA as a re-body then a nice straight six and overdrive g/b from a Vitess/GT6/2500 or similar with carbs would be nice. Bit cheaper than a jag ? regards Paul
  3. Well till I get the DVLA off my back regarding the re-body then what every the donor comes with. However down the line ? well it would be nice to have a aero engine however on my budget [ retired and wife watching the spend like a hawk :-D ] I would hope to fit a 6 pot motor with over drive. Need something nice to listen to on my way to Le Mans in it regards Paul
  4. hi all Sorry love MV's however I am unlikely to own one :-( Love reading others post though , anyone who takes a scrap/unloved vehicle and gets it back into use is a real star. So why am I here ? I want to build something like this on a Sherpa/LDV chassis and having found Bill's Fordson Armoured car he seems to have solved all the problems I will face. I was hoping to get in touch by email and pick his brains. Seems a real shame he has to sell it , it looks very authentic . regards Paul
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