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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Sorry to get you excited Tony, it wasn't a tactic, honestly. My wife summoned me to see what disaster the builders had done today :cry: So what can I say? You know its coming, there's no easy way to say this but basically good idea, but nope.
  2. I see where you're coming from there were all sorts of strange signalling systems in the past, but nope.
  3. Nope, they are to be one foot wide where space permits
  4. Ah yes I have seen slightly curved keyboards. I don't think I have ever used the numbers bit really. But know you say that I wonder now if it is all mouse problem or how much is keyboard. The trouble is I type with one finger, if I try to use another finger or the other hand, my brain has to disconnect & switch over to the other side. So there is no benefit in speed, but I might try it to rest the right side. In fact I am trying it now, but is fiddle when I want capitals or ctrl button.
  5. Yes that's what I'm currently doing. Much easier than I would have thought. Difficult though doing picture editing quickly. I have a 5 button mouse & use one button for copy & another for paste. Lots of the images I work with have bits of grot or labels on them & I need to paste bits of adjacent image to cover these up. Can take an hour or two just on one image.
  6. Not at all suitable I'm afraid, its just not my shade ;-)
  7. Yes that's the sort of thing. I have seen a big ball for the thumb to work, but that had to be plonked on the worktop & still operated from there. These seem to be sold on the basis that the mouse saves space by not having to move around on a pad, rather than any anti-RSI benefits.
  8. Yes it is a wireless mouse. Only started trying using it on a book on my lap today. But it does give an entirely different wrist/arm/elbow position. Tablet PC don't know what that is. Someone said use a drawing pad, I can see that might help with image editing, but couldn't see how that would function instead of a mouse.
  9. In my last couple of years of work, I got RSI which caused parathaesia in some fingers. I thought this was MS or something nasty starting but nerve conduction tests ruled this out. I retired a year ago & parathaesia gone! But now, I get intense pain in my right elbow very much related to computer use. It took a while to twig it was PC related but within 24 hrs of heavy PC useage a small area of the elbow is so painful the tension of my shirt causes pain. If I leave off the PC then things improve. I am trying to use my left hand, which is not too difficult. I think the PC work station is optimised. I have also started to see if using the mouse on a book placed on my lap means the arm/elbow position is more favourable. Has anyone tried this? I also wondered whether a thumb ball mouse might help. Anyone used one? I know the simple answer is don't use the PC so much. The problem is there is nothing much else to do round here. Now that shows are over, I can't do much. The problem is the house has had builders for 6 months, I have no hot water, heating or electricity. Existing in a caravan, stable & a shed from where I am now. The vehicle sheds are cold & damp, no lights, no electricity, no dehumidifiers. I don't share my wife's enthusiasm for watching endless repeats of CSI on the telly. So I come out here & play on the PC. That's why there are streams of mystery objects & then all quiet when the elbow plays up. So how do others get round the mouse issue?
  10. Yes Robert mule or horse. But the use on mules would quickly exhaust the animal, so I imagine it was to get casualties away from the immediate front lines. The picture was of a Chairs, Packsaddle, Folding when placed the right way up(!) with Cushions, Folding became a Cacolet here seen with Rests, Leg
  11. Could be but probably not, they had there own special contrivances. Couldn't find any pictures of special equipt for elephants for forthcoming Windscreen. Have since found a picture of pack eqpt for elephant but missed the deadline :-(
  12. Could be but probably not, they had there own special contrivances see forthcoming Windscreen :naughty:
  13. Yes, well done Tony. Neil was virtually there but fell down on the drawn bit as this is for pack mule or horse.
  14. Horse or mule - Yes Drawn - Nope Transporting wounded - Yes
  15. Tony, don't spoil it! "Cheating a bit" -and we thought you were clever ;-)
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