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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Nope, now you know why it never gave you any sweets.
  2. Nope, but no doubt it could trace its parentage to that.
  3. I hope all that wet stuff on the ground is rain, not fuel :shake:
  4. Well done, the last three of you are all barking up the right tree. It is indeed for carrying fuel, 500 gallons in each tyre a system called Rolit in trials with RASC in 1961. Can be towed in pairs or singly, airportable & can float. The were really no clues in the photo about the tow vehicle. Although big seemed to be the expectation it was none other than a Bedford RL. Or did it just happen to be parked there? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Bomber1.jpg[/img]
  5. Hmm difficult one, I think you all think I enjoy saying Nope. But in answer to this question it has to be Yup.
  6. Nope, but interesting suggestion.
  7. Nope. Although it would be interesting to see if anyone gets what the vehicle is in front, it probably won't help explain the photo. So please carry on guessing the vehicle & it is British. But why are these big things there?
  8. Calm down dear. It's all perfectly logical really, work out what the man is doing then that will give what the thing is, then you can work out how the thing (or maybe things) relate to vehicles & in this particular case, it just happens to be a Humber 1-Ton. :-D
  9. Well perhaps the oarsmen are blow up & you carry them around inside when it's folded up?
  10. What vehicle is this behind? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Bomber2.jpg[/img]
  11. Kim. OK so quite a common name then. Father-in-law had a lot of turmoil in his early years won't discuss the past, whether the family were heroes or just ordinary people, I have no idea but for whatever reason they were largely wiped out by Germans, the SS I was told. I knew the generator was Danish as I recognised your National NATO Code of "22". We get so used to seeing our "99" on everything.
  12. Well done Tony it is indeed a boat, although TooTallMike was nearly there, but didn't quite declare what it was. This underwent trials at Fort Benning in Georgia in 1965. Mostly fibreglass weighing 250 lb. I have to say the angle of shot in the first picture makes it appear rather dumpier than it really is. Whether it went into service, I have no idea.
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