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Everything posted by tankmaniac

  1. Hi folks. This week i will mostly be painting . . . the scammel. This one's a RAF unit and we have RR services RAF Blue for the topcoat. However... Should cettasin areas have been another colour? perhaps yellow axles and brake line taps and linkages? The unit has layers of paint in the following order: RAF Blue Grand Machinery Yellow RAF Blue Olive Drab (as it was used by the army finally) Our thinking is that it was painted yellow because it would have been on an airfield at some time. Also, the registration of SSU 404 implies that it was first used in Scotland.? Any info appreciated.
  2. Hey nice one. loads of good information there. Beleive it or not i got a signal... halfway up the readout as i was up the hill. came home and signal dropped to 1.7 but was still receiving the signal. this was great news... until i tried to transmit.. this was the only thing that was working! nada. zilch. like 1 instead of 30! must be something dodgy... perhaps my 12v supply connections... will check. Went over the military chassis i have and grabbed a spare 90 degree bnc which is reusable. putting this onto the coax with p259 cb connect to see what the side aerials will do when tuned. i can see a garden style horizintal antennae coming up! Anyone tried these? like 17 or 36 feet long?
  3. Thanks all/. Do any of you know where i can source connectors and cable? i could do with making up some BNC to CB cables but the connecs would need to be the pukka ones. Also, still struggling to get a signal even though i have earthed my base mount and changed the aerial! does the cb body need to be grounded even though the CB negative goes to the batt which grounds?
  4. thanks for the replies. changed the aerial, mount and cable and still not got a good signa. Does the CB chassis have to be earthed too? i mean the CB negative power goes to the battery negative which goes to ground. My SWR test was a little better although not so good on thevery high channels. Reference test showing 3 now which is closer to the ideal 1.5. I have earthed the aerial mount to the chassis. CB signal is still very low on the scale. Argh!
  5. Does anyone know if the standard FFR copper aerials, approx 9ft, are usable for a CB? I have a SWR tuner and could tune the aerial if it was suitable. If not, can anyone recommend an aerial for CB? I can use my wing mounts on the wings to mount it... but does it need to be touching the metal to ground? cheers
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