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Status Updates posted by MTMan

  1. Hello David "1",


    As a humble Lance corporal I would be most thankful for all gifts bestowed!


    I have a DPM Brassard with "MP" and a "square lancejack" patchs, standard stripe for wooly pullover, but nothing for my shirt so if its spare give me a price?


    Unforunatley I am doing the money thing next weekend but I will be coming 2nd Sunday in sept, so I look forward to meeting you then.


    Kind regards


    David "2"

  2. Hello Roger,


    I hope I have the right one!


    MTMan here! (David etc!)


    I have been checking c20 site but it seems to have gorn!


    You have my e-mail so if you wish to contact me then feel free!


    Kind regards



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