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Posts posted by Champie

  1. IMG_2422.jpg

    just some more pics ,master cylinder is shown with original round clear seal on the right ,now stuffed of course ,lets hope i have better luck in the coming weeks with my project,it has been very enjoyable so far although the weathers been really really hot ,does nt help when you burn your hands when you pick up a spanner ouch

    Austin Champ 1955 master cylinder parts.jpg


  2. Hi All,

    Thought i would post pictures of my project its been moving pretty slowly latley as i am or we are expecting an addition to our family in a few months . So here's just a few pictures.

    So far i have stripped most of the silly things taht someone has put on the vehicle like an air horn and square indicator lights .

    I have doen esome brake work ,stripping down the master cylinder and each wheel cylinder ,replaceing the flexible hoses that go feed each cylinder. Brakes west Perth $ 200 for the four made up with protective spring included .

    Replaced all the seals on the brake cylinders ,although the master cylinder seal kit from champ spares UK did not come with the re - cuperating seal included ??

    After two weeks of trying to find out why my brakes did not work i call power track in the UK ,sent them a photo of my original master cylinder parts ,and they told me that i had been sold an incomplete seal kit.

    So i had to purchase another seal kit from them which im assured contains the re-cuperating seal ,about a week away i hope .


    I ahve replaced the two 12 v batteries and am just getting ready to do the spark plugs ,oil filter ,fuel filter ,condenser ,distrbutor and oil up a few different parts two so cant wait .

    Unfortunately i dont have an original front bumper on my champ its something someone has made up so obviously does not have the crank handle guide on it ,such a pain as could have really used it as i had a fl;at battery last week . ah well another thing for my wish list .

    i plan to strip the roll bar also just havent had time.

    i have included some close ups of the snorkel agin i dont think origianl just something someones added later .


    Ps why are the brakes on a champ such a pain in the bum ha ha .







  3. Thank you Guys all so much,

    I am currently working away so cant get much done ,but im amazed at all the knowledge i can find on this forum so helpful.



    Snorkel picture ,Dont have a real close up picture but soon as i get back to perth will post one.

    My thoughts are this is not original as i have looked at it and im sure its some drainage /plumbing pvc pipe which has been painted black ,but will check.

    My plans were like other champs ive seen was to remove this pipe and put what looks like a blank/capping plate on the end . If a new snorkel is difficult to find ,have nt got that far yet. If you look closely at my champ the 90 degree bend on the end looks like a plumbing waste bend ?? not relly sure though




    Notice the cap were snorkel should be.jpg

  4. I am living in Perth WA and have recently bought an Austin Champ 1955 military version of course ,as usual it needs alittle TLC .

    I work with locomotives and have little or no mechanical experience but i thought it would be fun to try and restore this great piece of British history.

    I bought it over the phone and only seeing a picture it did not look to bad on arriving to Perth i found the following.

    Genarally it looked ok but hey thats easy to say when you dont know waht your looking at !

    1 / the brakes did not work

    2/ it did not start

    3/ Seats in really bad way

    4/ no seat belts

    5 / Fuel gauge not working

    6/ not original indicators on front and back


    Does anyone know what type of indicators should be fitted to this vehicle? I have included picture but were in the name of god do i find these indicators nowadays ????


    And im sure more i have not found yet so, the plan being to write up a blog on my progress and hopefully there is someone out there who knows more about these vehicles than i do ,who can point me in the right direction to get this wonderful vehicle back on the road the way it used to be.

    I am currently working on the brakes i have re-conditioned all the brake cylinders and have just got to put it back together to sse if it all works.

    Have replaced all the seals and also the 4 flexible hoses which some of which were completely blocked . great fun when its 40 degrees in the shed .

    Most of my parts came from Roy Elvis of champ spares ,very helpful and knowledgeable man ,cant reccommend him enough .


    I have included one picture but will upload some more when i can .

    Happy new Year to all

    Screen shot 2013-06-15 at 10.36.19 PM.jpg

    Screen shot 2013-12-28 at 9.07.45 PM.jpg

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