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Posts posted by Scarletlancer_uk

  1. A few 16/5 guys transferd to 9/12L after options for change(not wanting to be tanks) they told an inpressioable young trooper(me) that they only had scimitars in iraq as germany based as they were at the time only had them but the legend i was told was they contacted t62s with 30mm and it was bouncing off luckily 2 scorpians from the qdg used 76mm hesh and drove off leaving the 16/5 emmbarassed as a 76mm gunner 3rd to last intake to fire no traing rounds for us it was live hesh all the way:-D i can atest to its power the old chieftan had a few holes in it from us (we went to have a look at night on range guard when our inst was asleep in the tower at warcop)as i say the gulf tale may be an exageration as we young NIGS got told all that sort of stuff usualy at a smoker:cool2:



    The tanks were actually engaged by the RSDG's Challengers not Scorpions. So no embarrassment factor at all. Yes we did engage with 30mm and they did bounce off, but the enemy sight systems were destroyed leaving the tanks useless.

    In 1992 we (16/5th) were the last British troops to fire the 76mm prior to deployment to Belize. The 76mm Scorpion was taken out of service not long after due to toxicity problems within the turret.

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