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Posts posted by Strathlinn

  1. Just to say hi to all from a cold and wet Scotland! I've always been interested in miltary vehicles, maybe its because my dad was in ww2 serving in the British Army REME. He was shot in the leg at the Dunkirk evacuation and although he never spoke about the war i know he went back and was captured, spending 4 years in a czechoslovak prison camp. Came up through the tools myself, now a Fleet Engineer with a couple of years to go before I can retire. I have a special fondness for Jeeps, when I was about 20, I well remember purchasing a 1943 MB from a lady in Glasgow for £10!! After towing it back (Through the Clyde tunnel!) home I got it going and kept it a few months before selling it on for £175. Ah, those were the days... My intension is to purchase an MB or a Ford to renovate if I can find the right vehicle. Cheers, Gordon

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