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Posts posted by redsandrew

  1. Hi!

    yesterday I started to disassembly my Willys combat rims but I am not able to open two parts...

    All bolts unscrewes ...no air inside but not able to open...there are a lot of movies in youtube to help to assembly but not opposite!

    Somebody can help me? there is a strategy or only more force?..yesterday I was very tired with bolts :)

  2. If I will select 7th Infantry ...in the bumpers I will write : 7A - X I - X X correct? first X will be company, second battalion e third the number of Willys.


    What about a hood number? my chassis nr is 152200..somebody know?

  3. what do you think about a 7th Infantry Regiment ? they was in Italy in 1943...or please I accept suggestions! help me to select one :cheesy:

    Can be nice select one unit was in Italy I think.

  4. Ciao!

    Please somebody can help me to understand if, at the end of my complete Willys paint, I must to paint simple star or star with open or closed circle.

    I am very confused about that...

    Some information: my chassis is dated second part of '42 and engine is mixed ford/willys parts :-( ....I would like to use 101 airborne identification numbers all in white.

    Can you help me?

  5. Ciao! do you know if it is available in the market a Jump start 6 volt ? I am not able to find .... :(


    Do you know what happens if I will buy a 12V for my 6V willys? I think something bad...true?


    thanks for your help!

  6. Hi! I need to repaint Land Rover roof in aluminium...my question is to know if I need a special primer about this material or it is same of steel and if I need to use special attention about it.

    thanks for your help

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