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Posts posted by year1jeep

  1. After far too long sitting in the garage with the gearbox and transfer case in bits, this is the Spring to get going again!


    My Jeep came off the road to fix an annoying leak in the transfer case which grew into a gearbox out mini-rebuild. Unfortunately, life got in the way and it sat in bits. I've kept lurking on the forum, and attending shows (and Normandy) in the daily driver, but I've got the boost to finish it and get using it this year.


    When I stripped it I was planning to turn it around in a couple of weeks, but a long time later of course I can't remember everything (no photos either :( ) So apologies if the odd stupid questions appear in the next few weeks. First job has been cleaning off the cobwebs!


    I think I've identified most things, but cant for the life of me work out what this washer is? It could even be from another project! Can anyone recognise it (bear in mind it will be something to do with gearbox/transfer case and the parts that need to come to bits to get all of that out!





    Thanks in advance!



  2. Hi! I'm trying some (very) gentle off roading in my Willys, which has meant I've fitted a hotchkiss rollbar for the event (just in case!) Has anyone fitted seatbelts with one of these?


    There are shoulder height mountingson the bar, but wondering how the rest of it looks? Any photos?


    The aim is to remove them for normal use, but they are a requirement even to take the jeep on gentle routes (probably sensible!)





  3. Hi!


    I'm hoping to take my son to Poland this year over a long weekend to visit Krakow, Aushwitz and Birkenau - a bit too far for our backsides in the Jeep!


    Whilst we've visited Normandy a few times making all the arrangements ourselves, this time we'd like it all organised for us. Just wondering if anyone can recommend an all in tour, with accomodation etc. - we're trying to do it as smoothly as possible!


    Any experiences on here?





  4. Hi!

    I'm sure there is someone on here with an encyclopedic knowledge that can help me out.


    My jeep has currently got the biggest,ugliest white plastic battery that is now knackered. It's so big it sits between the front seats!


    I'm trying to find the spec (Ah - Cold Cranking etc.) for a new black one, the right size that will fit in its original location.


    Can anyone help - and where would you recommend to go?





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