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Lwt Big Cheese

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Posts posted by Lwt Big Cheese

  1. It's going down hill rapidly TBH.


    There are some nuggets there but:


    Stall holders down

    Vehicles down

    We took someone who hadn't been before. Went to the arena we found that you cannot see and there are insufficient speakers to hear what's going on!

    The cleaners were absolutely fantastic. But honestly two crappers just in the main entrance! Two! We had to use these for the entire week and they were so small I'm going to practise for next year by defecating in an office filing cabinet - they were so very small!

    Just how far have you to camp from the BA to be able to sleep before 04:00?


    You can't do anything about Operation Stack, but two tiny bogs etc is taking us for mugs.

  2. We used the bog at the end of H Jones field (I think!). The ones nearest the entrance. There seemed to be a lad there all day cleaning and re-supplying.


    Bless him, he was most embarrassed when I thanked him for his good work!




    Mind you the showers adjacent would have benefited from running water...

  3. "Even the Rover 3.5 V8 is only around the 100 BHP mark.."


    Whilst I bow to your knowledge on trucks, your Landrover Horsepower is slightly selective. For your edification I cut and paste the following:


    The Rover 4.6 underwent several changes throughout the years, which led to some changes in horsepower (hp) output. From 1996 through 1998, the 4.6-liter produced 225 hp at 4800 rpm. The 1999 model year saw two versions of the Rover 4.6: The base 4.6-liter delivered 222 hp at 4,750 rpm, while the Callaway special edition offered 240 hp at 4,750 rpm. The Rover V-8 produced 222 hp at 4,750 rpm from 2000 through 2002. In its last two years, 2003 and 2004, the Rover V-8 saw a decrease to 217 hp at 4,750 rpm.


    As with the horsepower, the minor engine changes through the life of this engine led to variances in the torque output. From 1996 though 1998, the Rover V-8 produced 286 foot-pounds of torque at 3,500 rpm. In 1999, the base V-8 delivered 300 foot-pounds of torque at 2,600 rpm, while the Callaway edition figures were 280 foot-pounds of torque at 4,000 rpm. This engine produced 300 foot-pounds of torque at 2,600 rpm from 2000 through 2004.


    Read more: Rover 4.6 Engine Specifications | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_7428280_rover-4_6-engine-specifications.html#ixzz1BQAqnvoN

  4. Good grief.


    Reading this and other W&P threads I can only conclude that the hobby here isn't all things green, but armchair generals pontificating.


    I was there. Most people were back behind the trees out of harms way. I could go on, but I'm not clever enough to have an opinion.




    If it worked, the pic above will show that everybody was behind the treeline.


  5. It didn't say much about the design.


    I'm not into boats at all, but would like to have seen more about the bottom and the way it is able to beach (and reverse) without damage.


    As said above, it was all a bit light weight.

  6. I'm surprised that discussing Landrovers causes so much passion, as they are usualy ignored as not big enough, old enough or rare enough!


    I've certainly noticed that they are treated like Cinderella and not a "worthy" MV.

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