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Posts posted by timothy

  1. Hi Shaun, welcome in, I reckon that you are fast approaching autumn and winter down there in the southern hemisphere, so you should be gearing up to start your winter projects. We are just running into the spring and looking forward to getting our toys out for the shows........ so you had better blow the cobwebbs off your spanners and get cracking....... and we would like to see a few photographs.

    Thankyou all for your welcomes.

    It seems at this end of the globe we had Autumn since November last year not much of a summer!doesn't bother me as I'm outside every day,so enjoy the shed alot.In fact I'm a bit fidgety if I have nothing on the go,so no fear of cobwebs at this end.will sort some photo's in due course.

  2. Hi everyone,Shaun here from New Zealand,My interest is based solely around my famillies military service,from WW1 thru to currently serving,I have restored a universal carrier LP2a,series 1 LR,and currently working on a 1941 YR chev 30cwt.I have read thru the various threads and I am truly humbled by the wealth of information that you members posess and are willing to share,Thankyou.

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