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bridie beckett

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Posts posted by bridie beckett

  1. Its Bridie here you may of heard dads decision to sell the Jimmy. This was once his favourite toy who no one could keep him away from. Now he is thinking about getting a Ward La France.


    None of the family want this as we all love the GMC!




    Thank you


    The Becketts

  2. This is Jacks daughter. Dad had an accident yesterday. A very innocent trip to Uppottery airfield on a mission to take photos for Donald Burgett quite literally ended in tears.


    The day started cheerfully with dad packing tea making equipment etc. Plus a picnic beautifully made by mum. On arrival to the airfield, we found the gate locked so dad rang the number on the gate, it turned out to be a friend of hiswho owns some of the airfield he very kindly gave us the combination to the lock. Everything was going swimmingly. After unlocking the gate, dad went to get back in the car in excitment, when suddenly he yelled in agony. His back had gone!!!!


    Me, mum and my brother and sister were given directions to go and take photographs in the control tower, with dad sat some distance away in the car stranded and actually unable to wave to us when we waved to him at the top of the platform!!


    We all quickly jumped back in the car. Me and mum, had to carry dad from the drivers seat to the passenger seat. He was wailing with the pain. Mum drove us home with dad wincing at every bump clutching tightly to the door handle.


    When we got home, we were trying very hard to think how to transport him to the house, which is a small distance from where we parked the car. My sister came up with the ingenius idea of getting the computer chair on wheels, getting him from the car straight in to the computer chair and all of us pushing him in.


    Now picture this, me and my mum lift dad in to the computer chair, dad had no use of his legs so we had to take all of his weight. He then started to cry as we put him in to the chair shouting out "I'm gunna wet myself!" and also yelling, "If anyone takesa photo im gunna kill them!" We started wheeling him slowley in to the house , we couldnt help it, we all started laughing! But i held his feet out and my mum was pulling the chair. The journey seemed to take forever. If only we could have had taken a picture, it would of been well worth posting! But the moment was lost forever.


    So this is why im here tonight, posting up for dad, mum is busy hand feeding him his dinner in the lounge with whisky and hot watr bottles to follow, tucked up watching Eastenders.


    We will keep you posted with the progress! :-P :lol: :-D




  3. For all you weak hearted people out there, this is an exceptional book. It is one of the best book's i have ever read. It is written by Eric Taylor. Dad bought it off e-bay for me. If you can get a copy, it is really worth reading.


    Briefly, it is loads of individual stories on many couples on how they met, and later on in there realtionship, struggiling through the toughness of ww2 . There are some happy stories but some sad. It is definitley a book worth reading!


    Bridie ~x~

  4. Thanks Berni thats a great help! :D I tried it over the weekend and it came out really well! Well, when i start to dress up I will have to remember that one! :P


    All the best Bridie ~x~

  5. yeah that sounds good! Ebay have a few things on there i checked the other day. But i really dont no what to wear in the day time! I was going to go as a nurse/medic or something!



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