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Posts posted by gordo

  1. Michael

    What you say about the photo makes perfect sense. I will post on M-L to see if Ossie can provide any further info.

    Your other Mk3 looks terrific – much like I envisage mine turning out. Which paint did you use? I’ll stick with Humbrol 75 as I find the WEM enamels don’t airbrush as well as I’d like.

    Tell me, what is the derivation of Mr. Mojo? I thought it had something to do with the civilian Polish/German drivers used in BAOR but was never sure.

    Thanks for the tips – as to Araldite, is it still in 2 parts and takes ages to set?

    All the best


  2. Michael

    Thanks very much for replying here as well as on M-L.

    What I'm after is more info on the restraining bars - they seem simple enough to scratchbuild but some detail would be nice. I was also interested to note that the guntube is not in the travelling crutch and wondered if this was normal practice when the Monotrailer was deployed, as I thought the turret was reversed and the gun stowed before the vehicle boarded the trailer.

    I've got a resin mantlet cover, part of a very extensive and fiddly PE set, half of which I probably won't use!

    I saw your Antar earlier - very nice indeed - anything I should be looking out for in the build process? I think I'll be doing mine in gloss deep bronze green, parade ground finish with very minimal weathering.



  3. Goodday to you all.


    I'm a new member and this is my first post, and if I've posted it in the wrong place, my apologies.


    I never served but since early childhood and the Dinky Toys Mighty Antar and Centurion, I've had an interest in the Army and its vehicles and over the years I've modelled quite a few of them.


    Now that I'm getting on in years I want that Antar and Centurion again,to remind me of happy days. I've become increasingly interested in the AFVs/softskins of the Cold War and recently purchased Accurate Armour's Antar Mk 3 fifth wheel tractor plus the FV3001/3005 60 ton semi-trailer. I want the load to be a Centurion 5 with Monotrailer and have the AFV Club and Modellbau versions ready and waiting.


    Where I'd like to pick your communal brains is this - when loaded on an FV3001 semi, the Monotrailer stuck out between the raised loading ramps. There is a photo on page 50 of Pat Ware's superb Antar book which shows this but also seems to show that the trailer was held rigidly horizontal by tie bars/straps from the upper corners of the Cent. engine deck to the upper corners of the Monotrailer. The picture also appears to show cables going from the turret to the Monotrailer although these may well be telephone lines in the background. I would have posted the pic but my scanner has recently gone TU.


    Sorry to go on at length but any comments on this travelling arrangement would be most welcome.


    Thanks in advance and all the best.



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