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Posts posted by Lancastrian

  1. wasn't there only the one Chinook at falklands the others having gone down with the overloaded atlantic conveyor and spare harriers. Claimed record sinlge lift of 80+standing room only.


    No Harriers were lost, they disembarked around 19/20 May. And I doubt she was overloaded.

  2. Off topic I know but just wondering how the POW's were dealt with after the war? Not like they could just walk home 300 miles off shore was it? Don't remember hearing much about it after the war ended but I was only young at the time.


    There were some 11,800 to be repatriated. The first 4000 were taken by Canberra to Puerto Madryn, Argentina, on 19 June and the remainder were returned by other ships by 14 July.

  3. Heres some scanned pics of vehicles used in the war..


    Kit on its way down, unsure of ship......





    The colour photo is RFA Sir Tristram with 29 CDO RA in San Carlos Water on 21 May 1982.

    The black & white is RFA Sir Lancelot with 59 Ind Cdo Sqn RE on 21 or 22 May.

    Very few of these went ashore as the terrain was unsuitable.

    And I don't recall giving you permission to pinch them from my website!

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