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Posts posted by babyteeth

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.


    Tony. I’m South London, Bromley way and would be happy to offer my time in exchange for Tea & biscuits, Hob nobs if poss. Beer and MV’s I can see but most women seem to roll their eyes at the mere mention of the word tanks.


    I’m pretty good at taking things apart, ok with a soldering iron and wires and will have a go at most things. Used to work on cars a bit back when they still had things like tapits to adjust. Being an engineery type I like the challenge of fixing things big or small.


    Mike, I did look into doing some volunteering down at Bovington. Managed to blag a tour of the workshop and had a good chat with the workshop manager (still have his card somewhere) He said I’d be more than welcome to go down and help out with a Pak 88 restore they had ongoing. He said it best to go through him rather than the museum volunteer program.. said that they just get those guys cleaning the toilet and making tea!!


    Anyway, thanks again for the welcome and I hope to make a few friends here.



  2. HI everyone. My name is David an I am from London Uk. By trade I am a broadcast engineer.


    Way back I used to be an AFV modeller but you know how it is, found beer and girls and that by the way side. A couple of years ago I started to make models again and have always retained an interest in all things tank related.


    My dream was always to own and restore military vehicles but sadly money and time never allowed for that. So I now just surf the net and I on a number of forums where I try to help identity tank and vehicle parts that have been dug/found and try to learn more from those with more experience. One day I would love to lend a hand to restore vehicles but at the moment that is a bit of a pipe dream.

    I have an interest in battlefield archaeology too and one I hope to get involved somehow.

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