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Posts posted by ironhorse

  1. hi ive just joined hope your still looking for old snow tracs.

    if you are, i know of two.

    firstly, there is one in hendersons garage in alston, cumbria, near where i live. its been sat there a while and there is a makers plate on it. if you google image snowtrac, a flikr picture comes up of a green one in a bush, thats it. its about knackered and its almost constantly damp where its sitting.

    secondly, on my travels i came across one near achiltiebuie just north of ullapool in the scottish western isles. i spoke to the owner, a farmer, who used it for farm work and stalking. it was there june 2009 and will probably still be there. in fact, if you look for reiff on google maps, near achiltiebuie, and go right from the bit it says reiff, there is a track to a farm building. if you look on street view at the end of the road, you can see the snow trac. its green.

    he said he was looking to possibly sell it but it had been sat there ten years. i have 2 pictures of it too.

    what are parts like for these snow tracs? i was thinking of buying one or two but id need to know suppliers first

    much taa's

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