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Monkey Man

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Posts posted by Monkey Man

  1. G'day....

    I am Tony Eagling from Launceston Tasmania Australia, I have a Dodge M37 (modified) and a Polaris quad mocked up as a recon atv.

    I am an electronics technician by trade and am also a radio amateur, my callsign is Vk7YBG and I am easily available on IRLP Node 6700.....

    Any Questions?? :D


    Best Regards - MM :D

  2. I have a CD that I could burn a copy of, lasts about an hour with made up selections of Military Radio traffic with American, English, German, Japanese & Russian versions, or I could email the files, cheers Paul


    I would be very interested in the files Paul, what is the best way to go about getting them from you? My E-Mail for offline contact is dodgem37@netspace.net.au



    Regards - Tony Eagling Vk7YBG

  3. Driving the Dodge, 101, any type of Land Rover, or the Range Rover, 'I like your J**P'. Could explain the dents and blood stains on the front.


    I had the opposite Problem, I have a Dodge M37B1 and a fellow asked me about my Land Rover, I corrected him that it was a Dodge M37, he corrected me and said I was wrong as Land rover had built the 101 for many years and that my truck was one, I corrected him and informed him that a 101 was a forward control machine and he could look at my M37's data plates if he wished, he then proceeded to berate me on the matter and he (being an Englishman) new more than me on the matter, I then proceeded to explain what my truck was when he got very rude, I then proceeded to use a bit of Australian courtesy and told him to bugger off to which I was then labelled an Idiot by the astute Englishman....

    I can see why you guys may have sent this induvidual over here..... :nut:


    Best Regards - MM :D

  4. G'day

    I am Tony Eagling from Tasmania, Australia. I have a 58' Dodge M37B1 (modified) and my wife Ann has a 44' Ford Jeep. I am also and electronics technician and afflicted with the Amateur radio hobby so I am indeed a sad case, please be kind to me..... :D


    Best Regards - MM :)

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