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tank driver

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Posts posted by tank driver

  1. Hi Robin


    thank you for your reply we have had it covered and has a gas blow

    heater in the back for a day so it is all defrosted i can start it and run

    the engine fine but have to do it by manually pushing the rail in from the

    back of the pump i am sure you are correct and it had frozen up but i am

    now at a loss as to why it wont start normally and tick over


    kind regards


  2. Hi All i am having problems with my diesel pump since the big freeze

    its on my k60 fv432 engine i have :(

    got diesel going to the pump but the rail is not opening up to allow flow

    the drive pedal is not doing anything all though everything is free i can

    start her up if i manually push the rail across from the inside at the right

    hand side of the pump does anyone have any ideas or any pump diagrams

    that may help it would be very much appreaciated





  3. Good Morning i would just like to introduce myself i own 3 fv432

    we use them to run a public driving centre and also to play and have

    fun with i wont give details of our venue as i am not on here to

    sell or promote anything just to give and get helpful advice and information

    with like minded people.


    My name is Carl and i live in nottinghamshire

    so hi to all and i hope to fit in and be useful on your site :nut:

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