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Posts posted by leawhitehurst

  1. Hi to all, I joined a while back but nevergot around to introducing my self for which many apologies.

    I amthe proud owner of a 1944 Daimler dingo mark 2. For the last nine months havingroad registered my vehicle, and with help of a friend I have consequently beensorting out teething troubles that come with more regular use, namely a newtransfer box, replacement gear bands, refurbished carburettor, reconditioned fueltank, new piston rings and head gasket as well as a radiator re-core. J In my spare time I bulid houses. Thanks for letting me join.

    I do have a question although perhaps thisshould be in another post, Whilst driving on the flat and slight hills thesteering behaves perfectly but when approaching the brow of a steep hill in 4thor 3rd the steering wheelbegins to judder violently, perhaps 2-3” left to right. Once the brow of thehill is reached everything calms down again. Has any one experienced this orcan hazard a guess as to what is causing this please? There doesn't appear to be any rim rock. I’m wondering if it’sslipping on the gear bands rather than say wheel balancing as I would expectthat to occur all the time. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks.


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