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Posts posted by nemvs

  1. Hi guys, thank's Jim/Ken/Adam for the kind words - my wife would beg to differ :D



    Jim, we have kept all the canvas in the boxes so they wouldn't get dirty while we finish up paint etc.. Rear body is going on as I speak, once it's all together I will take a bunch of photo's and put them up on the site and send them to you as well. As I told you earlier though, the customer has tons of "clown-car" add-ons so don't blame us for all of the wackiness you will see!


    For all of my photo albums to date, you can go here : http://pictures.ww2mv.com/

    This is a mish-mash of both my personal vehicles and customer vehicles/projects.


    My old site that I haven't updated in a long time but still has a bunch of photo's is :



  2. Glad to be on board, the folks we did the engine for (Ken, Adam) (that are doing the sherman in the other thread) put me on to this site. I use the G503 over in the states - same sort of thing - good resource for finding info/parts etc...


    Radials can be a tough nut, if you have any questions let me know, I'm sure we can help you out. :-)


    You can email me directly at andy@ww2mv.com if need be

  3. Hi,

    my name is Andy, I own a WWII MV restoration shop over in the US but am also a collector.


    I currently have in my collection the following vehicles :

    M18 Hellcat, M5A1 Stuart, M-8 Armored Car, 2 M20 Armored Cars, WC-53,WC-51, T-24 Weasel, 45 Jeep, OT-810 Halftrack, M-818 5 Ton Truck (for hauling).




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