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Posts posted by Riverflow

  1. I made one in the end using the longest pair of trousers I could find. Much stabbing of fingers with a needle and swearing later, it looks OK!


    My personal opinion is that there will be a flood of RAF gear onto the eBay market between now and Xmas as everyone who bought it at a premium for Battle of Britain events and Goodwood realises they aren't going to wear it again and sticks it back on the net hoping for similar prices to those they paid... Good luck to them! I might give it a couple of months then start cherrypicking the few odd bits I had to make up or do without. The wedding's over now, but I'm starting to realise the uniform thing is as addictive as the vehicle thing. The other half won't let me have another vehicle, so I'm going to look very odd as a wartime RAF officer with a 1970s radio truck...


    Thanks for the view on polishing. I agree wholeheartedly. They were issued with button sticks for a reason, not just to make the contents of their kit bag look more interesting...


    Believe me... Staybrite has got nothing on the amount of elbowgrease and Brasso, not to mention sweat and blood that I put into my brassware!

  2. I was asked in the introduction forum to post some more photos of my truck.


    Here's a few to wet your appetite...












    Last photo - sneaked in between two other radio bodies on our way through the showground, going home from Overlord.




  3. I'm wondering if anyone out there has a spare RAF tunic belt that I could possibly take off their hands?


    Some friends of ours are getting married in 1940s style, and I'm gathering together an RAF officers uniform to wear to the wedding.


    I've sorted out the jacket, trousers, shirt, hat (other ranks, not officers, but I don't think anyone's going to notice...), packet of Woodbines to go in the pocket, that sort of thing, but the one thing I can't find anywhere is the plain blue belt that goes round the tunic / jacket. I've even got the brass buckle to replace the shiny one on a newer belt...


    I'm adapting modern uniform to '40s style, so anything wartime onwards would be great.


    If all else fails, has anyone got an old pair of RAF trousers I can make into a belt?!?



    If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it!





  4. Hi all...


    A quick introduction...


    I'm Riverflow, aka Colin, living in Hampshire, UK.


    I've been a member of Solent Overlord Executive since it's emergence quite a few years ago now.


    Vehicle wise, I've got a 101 radio body, ex 14th regiment Royal Signals and later in its career, 12th regiment Royal Artillery.


    Outside the world of all things green and black, I'm into history, the outdoors, real ale and music.


    I'm currently in the middle of a long-running battle with some large pieces of green canvas and various poles, attempting to get some kind of tent to work with the truck.


    That's probably it for now....



  5. As this is my first post on HMVF, please let me know if I've broken any rules or anything by posting this...


    This is incredibly short notice. I've mentioned this at Solent Overlord Executive meetings and to various people at the Overlord Show, and thought I'd bring it up here to try and drum up some last-minute support.


    I've been approached by a friend who works at Manor Farm in Botley, near Southampton, Hampshire. He's into 1940s re-enactment and keen on the whole MV scene.


    Manor Farm is a working historic farm just outside Southampton on the east side, close to the M27. On the weekend of the 12th-13th June, they have a WW2 event, with various reenactors including some German POWs working on the farm, some land army girls, a few civvies and some infantry chaps.


    To go along side this, they would really like some owners of 1940s allied vehicles to come along and display their trucks and kit at the farm. Allied reenactors would be welcome too.


    Camping is available on site (water is provided, no other facilities I'm afraid). It's a great one for anyone with kids as they can look round the farm and play in the acres of country park of which the farm is a part.


    There's a barbeque on the Saturday night for those bringing vehicles and breakfast (bacon rolls or similar) will be provided on Sunday morning for those staying over.


    If you want any more details, feel free to send me a PM.


    Here's a link to Manor Farm: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/hampshire-countryside/manorfarm.htm


    Unfortunately I can't take part myself as my vehicle and uniform are a little bit too modern!




    Colin (1976 101FC radio body)

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