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Little Matador

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Posts posted by Little Matador

  1. My name is Geoff and although I don't own any military vehicles, or have the facilities for keeping one.


    Now don't laugh :nut: but, I have aquired an old four wheel Mobility Scooter in good working order and have decided to make a replica of a AEC Matador. I came across this forum whilst browsing for information on the AEC Matador and have found it very helpful. Why a Matador? Well it brings back memories, as I have actually driven a Navy Matador whilst serving in the RN during the mid sixties, when alocated to a shore base establishment.


    I have not yet decided exactly on what to model the vehicle on, but in order for me to sit in it and drive it, it will have to be designed on something like a Showmans Tractor (Ballast Box) or Heavy Haulage Tractor such as those used by Pickfords etc. A full bodied model such as a military vehicle or one with a fully covered back, would not allow access to be able to sit in and drive it.

    It will have a full cab front and roof, minus the cab rear. This is to enable the steering wheel to be reached from the driving position, which will be in the ballast box rear of the lorry.


    I got the inspiration at a Minature Traction Engine Rally, where someone had built a similar vehicle, but of a more modern design lorry. I think the Matador is ideally suited, due to its rugged looks and being of four single wheel construction, can be made to look like the real lorry, but in minature.

    Has anyone else thought of doing something similar?




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