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Jim Stanley

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Posts posted by Jim Stanley

  1. Hi Mike,


    We use to have great fun at rallies with our tugs of war etc, brilliant times.

    I will post some pictures of our antics.


    Still miss HRR 136, my bro was a s--t to sell her so I am hoping one day I can get her back. Apoparantly she was sold back into the woods down Bristol way so if anyone knows of her please let me know. These old matadors come in handy for rescuing broken down sentinel s types!


    Be good mate.


    Jim S

  2. I have see Matt restore this old motor over severel years, his worked his tits off getting it to the state its in which is a real credit to him.

    Many a time he left the yard shouting and swearing when things had goen wrong but he always came back the next day or weekend and sorted it.


    ( Dont be fooled by the earlier pictures as Just to make him feel good I "pretended" my sentinel had broken down and asked him to tow me back to our yard).


    Well done Matt, nice done.


    Jim S

  3. After part owning a matador along with my brother many years ago and since diverting off to the world of steam owning and restoring severel engines including my current engine a sentinel S4 my interest has been re-ignited by a mate who keeps his matador in our big workshop.


    My old Mat was reg HRR 136 and was sold by my bro back into the "woods" causing a big rift between us both (especially as it was half mine!). I would really love to know where the old girl is now and buy her back if at all possible.


    Any info would be gratefully received.



    Jim Stanley

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