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Posts posted by EAARS100

  1. Hi,My Austin Champ is running OK now but needs work on Brake Cylinders and Driveshaft Gaiters ready for MOT.When engine runs charging lamp stays on and voltage across battery does not change,mk 1 generator and mk 1 regulator panel are fitted.I have seen some references to points etc in regulator panel and wonder if this could be the problem.How do I test /service generator and regulator.

    Thanks for any advice


  2. Hi All

    Well I have taken the plunge and bought an Austin Champ,its partly restored but needs some panels and welding to floor etc.Hopefully axles are OK.I have ordered new floor panels and will get them welded in soon[hopefully half term week,as I am off that week]After this I will need to rub down and paint my Wagon,I am thinking of using rollers to paint Champ.Does Anybody know Roughly how much paint I will need and what type of primer is best,Hopefully Green finish.Thanks for any Help/advice


  3. Hi

    I am looking at maybe buying a Champ soon and was wondering what to look for in regards to expensive/difficult to repair problems.I have seen posts about rear axles giving grief,is this easy to pick up on a test drive or can I test for it easily.I have a garage to store it in and basic tools and would be in no rush to get it on the road ,possibly work on it in winter and MOT etc in spring

    Thanks for any Tips /Info


  4. Hi

    My name is Andy and Ii live with My Better Half and 2 kids[boy of 11 and girl of 8]in Suffolk area.We are in MVT and are at present MV less[if thats a word]however looking at maybe a Champ in near future or Jeep in more distant future.Hope for some good info/help about possible buys/problems etc


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