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Little Terry

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Posts posted by Little Terry

  1. I've had this 1952 80" since I was 18 in 1996. Used it for going to school, offroading, commuting to work and shooting etc.


    It's always had a little brass plate screwed to the bulkhead, which I presumed was a later addition that a previous owner had found and screwed on and nothing to do with the actual vehicle.


    However, I just thought I'd post this to see if anyone can tell me what it's all about? Is there any way I can trace it's history?


    The chassis and bulkhead are painted the same colour as the wheels, which is not the 'proper' bronze green - is it a military colour? It doesn't look like the chassis or bulkhead have ever been welded/restored....








  2. Hi,


    Mark here, just joined the forum and thought I'd post a pic of my truck. It's a 1941 Chevy 1/2 ton with a '54 chevy 235ci motor. A long-term rolling project. Not military, but would've been if it was born a few months later!






    Sorry if it's a bit OT, but I wanted to start somewhere!



  3. Hello All,


    Mark here, checking in from Shropshire. I don't currently owna ny military vehicles, but have more than a passing interest. I do own a 1946 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup, but it's a civvy model :(.


    The truck is an alomst full-time work in progress and I've had the motor out about three times now, so always on the lookout for chevy parts!


    Just joining to try and expand my knowledge on the MV front witha view to maybe expanding my collection in the future. Got a few freinds with Jeeps, Shermans etc that are into the scene a bit more heavily than I am for now.



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