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Posts posted by Savedfromscrap

  1. Hello, I am looking to order the tongue and groove to board out the sv2s with but have no idea what thickness it is meant to be? Looking at the rust marks it is 5.5" wide? but as it was all removed before my ownership I have nothing to go on.

    Daft question I know but if i'm going to the effort of doing it i'd rather do it right!

    Also I guess the floor/sides were done with the same stuff?

    If someone could drop a tape on theirs next time they are passing it would be much appreciated.

    Fingers crossed someone stocks it or it may get expensive :wow: lol




  2. Hello,


    Just before I take the CAV starter motor on the sv2s to bits trying to find the problem... has anyone got any ideas why the motor shaft on will not pull into start position? With it all connected up and the starter button pressed a contact pulls in and looks like it is trying to move the shaft forward but doesn't quite manage it. The unit has worked a couple of times very slowly but needs sorting out.

    It has been sitting unused for a long time could it simply be dry grease/oil or may it be something else?

    Any advice would be very gratefully received.


    Kind regards



  3. Hello, thought i'd best introduce myself before cheekily pleading for some information regarding this lump that I have just acquired from ebay..





    Apologies if the pictures are a bit small they are the only ones I have at the moment.


    I've known this vehicle for 4 years as it belonged to my boss- I spent a bit of time doing odds and sods to it when I first started my apprenticeship, mostly cleaning/painting and assembling bits as it was stripped when he acquired it. Oh and cutting various bits off that had be grafted onto it during its time spent winching boats out the water from a dock wall, so i've been told. (including some horrid bump stops added to lock the rear suspension when winching)


    But as I got better at the day job less time was spent on it and as a result it sat pretty much as is, outside mostly, and he decided to part with it. Not really knowing what it would be worth and with me trying my hardest to ignore it's departure it was put up for sale... and I ended up with it as another project!


    It runs and drives, but doesn't stop as the brakes are seized up- this I am working on at the moment.


    Basically my plan is to get it up and running as a half respectable looking vehicle as soon as possible, and then worry about the missing and altered aspects of it. As mentioned the brakes need work, wood needs replacing, I need to obtain the V5, lights need fitting along with the dashboard and a few other niggles, then some paint and a good service.


    So hope to have it out and about shortly!


    Now I must confess my main hobby is road steam, I have an Aveling roller under restoration (hence not needing another project lol) but what better support vehicle to have with a roller than a Pioneer with an 8 ton winch!! Especially with the resent summers and rather damp rallies.


    Look forward to reading about your own projects.


    Kind Regards


  4. You really are doing a fantastic job on that Jim, I can not wait to see the finished article. I am most grateful for you taking the time to explain about the windsreen and the pictures are a really big help.


    Good idea about the roller shutter door, that will make life a lot easier!





  5. Hello all,


    I am currently trying to piece together a Scammell Pioneer and am here as no doubt i will need some advice from those in the know as the project progresses! We had it running today (on 4, then 5, then 6 as it warmed up lol- 6 cyl perkins) but there is still much to do. It has been chopped and changed and certainly doesn't owe the world anything but it would be nice to keep it going a while longer. It doesn't belong to me, it is my bosses, but i am getting rather fond of the thing.


    My main interest is in anything steam powered but I wont bore you about that.





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