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Posts posted by davies435

  1. 033.jpgUOTE=25 pounder;292783]First find of the year , a German generator , Luftwaffe markings (FL) probably used on a former airfield ( there were several in our neighborhood during the German occupation)[ATTACH=CONFIG]55375[/ATTACH]

    Hi there - that is indeed a rare beast! A heavy-weight generator and no mistake. I've been doing a nuts and bolts restoration on one of these for the past few years. I've been extremely fussy with spare parts for it as absolutely EVERYTHING existing was 1942 dated, so spares I've searched for ALSO had to be 1942!

    Spares are REALLY thin on the ground - look after it. Is yours a runner?

    Any more pictures?






  2. Thanks for the replies, I have offered this up on another landrover forum but to be honest I trust the knowledge on here above.


    Paul, my advice to you is to USE the Disco transfer box as the low ratio gearing is the same anyway but have a health-check done on the engine and also the boost put out by your turbo. Another thing to check is the size of the wellies you're running on - if you've got some monster rubbers in each corner (as a LOT of people seem to be doing to increase ground-clearence thesedays) then take a close look at that as bigger tyres will seriously affect your gearing further still.

    I've got a 110 Wolf produced for a German Government contract . it's got a HUGE BMW engine and Disco transfer box but was actually pretty gutless on a long motorway hill or when towing anything decent. When I bought it it was running on 255/85R16's which aren't really monster truck size, but not far off the Pinkie's 9x16. After two years of driving on these I spoke to LR Special vehicles and they told me they were never supplied with those tyres. They suggested I go down to a 235/85R16....which I did a month ago. This has totally transformed the truck. It charges uphill towing a heavy trailer on the motorway well in excess of the speed limit and I really have to keep an eye on the speedo needle creeping up on the flat!! I'm in love with this vehicle again.

    Paul, other cars might be able to go fast but you can go anywhere in yours, so the Defender isn't really a speed machine (although yours does seem to be a bit of a "lard-arse" by the sounds of it). I've rebuilt, improved and owned ONLY Land Rovers since I got my licence all those years back so my opinions are based on a lot of mistakes and the resulting education.

    Get your turbo checked, and a health check on your engine. Use the Disco box definitely and check your wellies!

    Let me know what you find out dude,



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